Tag Archives: thankful

Don't Forget This One Thing This Thanksgiving
I have had an unusually busy time at work for the past couple of months. While thinking about work/life balance and experiencing mom guilt is something I am familiar with, it seems like lately I have ...
Stephanie O'Farrell Nov 18, 2024 Getty | Magdalena Cvetkovic

Gratitude Day 14: There Is Hope
Wow, I hope you were as encouraged as I was over the last few days as we received message after message reminding us of the incredible opportunity, we have to reclaim Joy in the finals months of this ...
Rebecca Joy Nov 27, 2020

Gratitude Day 13: Thanks For Nothing 2020 - Finding Your Way Back to Gratitude
There are plenty of Bible verses that talk about thanksgiving (there's 71 verses in the New Testament alone), so apparently being thankful is pretty important. And, sometimes ... well, I don't want to...
Ann Kirsten Nov 26, 2020

Gratitude Day 12: Learning the Challenging Practice of Forgiveness
"I want to forgive you. And I want to forget you." If you ever found yourself years ago caught up watching the drama filled tv show, The Hills, you would recall this famous line from Lauren Conrad. An...
AllMomDoes Nov 25, 2020

Gratitude Day 11: Rooted in Him
I am not a gardener by any means but I love flowers, what woman doesn't. I so badly wanted to learn how to grow my own flowers. I have a friend that gave me Dahlia tubers and instructed me how and whe...
AllMomDoes Nov 24, 2020

Gratitude Day 10: Looking Toward Eternity
I love to travel. Growing up, our family didn't have a ton of money leftover in the budget for traveling, but my mom's cousin and her husband had a condo in Colorado that they let us use. It allowed u...
AllMomDoes Nov 23, 2020

Gratitude Day 9: A Blessing in the Mess
I almost missed it because I was looking at my phone. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a tarp, dirty and paint-splattered. Curious, I looked up, and saw a marvelous mural going up in Edmonds. An...
Erica Parkerson Nov 22, 2020

Gratitude Day 8: Thanksgiving In The Midst of Pain
As she was lying down in the hospital bed, my daughter, Trissy, began laughing as she said, "Well mom. This is a September to Remember." We began reminiscing about our conversation we had a few days b...
AllMomDoes Nov 21, 2020

Gratitude Day 7: Cry Out OMRG
What does it take to stir you up? One newscast. A day with double-booked work/school Zoom meetings. Those moments where you miss things that "used to be" with a deep heart longing into tears and then ...
AllMomDoes Nov 20, 2020

Gratitude Day 6: Gratitude for Losses
Towards the end of 2019, I got to walk down the aisle and marry my best friend. It was one of the greatest days, committing our marriage to Christ and saying 'forever' to what lay ahead. We didn't exp...
AllMomDoes Nov 19, 2020