Oh Timmies,
You with your red, brown, and yellow logo, bringing such comfort to this transplanted Canadian. There’s nothing like knowing I can drive just a few miles across the border and find a familiar face. I can open your doors, breathe in the familiar scent of coffee and baked goods. It’s the smell of home.
Since I was a little girl, we’ve had a special relationship. The bite-sized bits of goodness, otherwise known as Timbits, became a regular treat after special things like swimming lessons and long walks with my grandmother. My dad would take me for an Ice Capp after a long day at summer camp, or working alongside him at the golf course. As I grew older, I could walk down the street from my high school after class let out to get a Cafe Mocha. Long work days meant a sandwich on my lunch break or a quick breakfast on the way. You were always there for me.
You were there for celebrations, as many of my family sat joyously around one of your tables in the wee morning hours, celebrating the birth of a new cousin. When I’d had a bad day, I could enjoy a cup of coffee and find a little joy and comfort. Let’s not forget the fun of rolling up the rim of a coffee cup to discover just what we might have won, from a free coffee, donut, or a car. While it was always one of the first two, it was always fun to play.
And now, returned to the States but often making my way north, I get the joy of sharing you with my husband and children. And while they may not completely understand the meaning and sentimentality behind a warm drink in a red/brown paper cup, I do.
Each time I make my way up there again, I make it a priority to stop by. Whether just for a donut or to bring home treats for everyone, it’s a must before I return. There’s nothing down here quite like you.
Thank you for being a faithful friend. I’m glad to know that the next time I make a visit, I’ll know just where to find you.
With love.