Somewhere along the way through motherhood, I started caring a lot less about what other people thought of me. Mostly, I didn’t have time for it while chasing three small children and working full time. Until, I did. We were in the midst of a huge transition for our family. After nearly a decade in managerial marketing, I was becoming a stay at home mom. We were moving to a new town we knew very little about. And, we were getting ready to fully embrace “military family life.” Not to mention, it was during the winter season in the Pacific Northwest, so neighbors weren’t really playing outside where our kids could interact.
I suddenly found myself considering what others thought about our decision. Did we make a mistake? Doubt and fear was relocating back into my heart.
“She’s leaving her dream career to be a stay at home mom?”
“Are we cut out for this military life?”
“What if I am horrible at being a stay at home mom?”
“Will the kids thrive in their new community?”
“What if financially, we can’t end up making this work?”
“Will I be a failure?”
Not to mention, there was only a nine-day gap between finding our new home nearly two hours away, selling our old house and putting in my notice at work. It was a bit of a whirlwind. (Side note: If you are trying to prepare a house for sale, with three kids under the age of five, and a birthday party it can be a bit challenging)
Back to my story.
The fears and doubts that crept in were understandable. But I started to dwell on them and found myself more concerned about what other people thought rather than celebrating the fruition God had provided. We had been searching for this opportunity, praying for the right timing for quite a while. So, now when we were doing it – why was I scared? It was then I realized that He was in full control. In that moment, I made a conscious decision to let go of my greatest fears and ego, so that He could be fully at work in the new chapter He was providing our family.
Although I did it, it wasn’t always easy. Even with God’s guidance there’s never a promise that what is right for us will also be convenient. In fact, what is best for us will probably seem very difficult at the time.
At the end of the day, transitions bring uncertainty. And uncertainty is frightening even when it’s in preparation for something wonderful.
Pregnant moms are overjoyed and also very scared about childbirth.
Homeowners are very excited and scared about purchasing a new home.
People leaving a stable job for a less predictable career that they are passionate about are excited and scared.
God provides opportunity in the uncertainty.
It’s not an excuse to be irresponsible or reckless, but let it be encouragement to you that everything God allows to come our way is always with a purpose.
by Camille Birk