One of the things I was excited to do with my kids once we were thrown into at-home school was daily devotions. It still feels haphazard and I haven’t quite found a resource that I love enough to use regularly, but at this point “winging it” feels on par with the rest of what we’re doing so…I’m just going with it. Right now I’m trying to make real-life connections between God and how it shapes our view of the coronavirus since that’s super relevant to my kids. I feel VERY ill-equipped, but today I’m sharing five (brief) Bible lessons you can incorporate into your day with your kids. Use them as a jumping-off point for larger discussions!
READ: Mark 12:28-31
TALK ABOUT: Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves. This is why we are checking in with and helping older neighbors who can’t go to the grocery store right now. But also, our “neighbors” are everyone, not just the people who live next door. This is also why we’re not going out right now – because it helps keep our neighbors safe, which God wants us to do.
READ: 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
TALK ABOUT: These times are hard and scary, but what matters more is our eternal focus. Our time on Earth feels long, but really it’s a short period. When we look at it this way, we know that our troubles on Earth are not as big as they feel.
READ: Review the story of Joseph in a children’s Bible, YouTube video, or story. Here’s an example. Then read Genesis 50:20.
TALK ABOUT: Even though the coronavirus is not good, God can still use it for good. Just like Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill him and sold him into slavery, God used that bad thing to save the Israelites. God is so powerful that even when bad things happen, he makes good things happen because of it. Talk about some of the good things that have been happening despite the bad – more family time, people helping others, no need to set a morning alarm, etc.
READ: Romans 5:1-5, Galatians 5:22-23
TALK ABOUT: Hard times change us, and we can choose if they are going to make us better or worse. God wants us to let hard times develop character in us. Talk about how this difficult season – staying inside, missing school, not seeing friends – can change us inside for the better. Brainstorm some ways we can develop a stronger, more God-pleasing character during this time. Relate it to the Fruit of the Spirit and how we want to see the fruits grow during this time, instead of the opposite.
READ: Matthew 6:25-34
TALK ABOUT: God knows what we need. He knows what we need even better than we do. He always takes care of us, and we don’t need to worry. God knows that His children struggle with worry – that’s why he tells us not to be afraid more than three hundred times throughout the whole Bible! Worry doesn’t solve any problems or fix anything, but God gives us a peace if we trust in Him. Brainstorm ways to get rid of worry – whether it’s activities like prayer or gratitude journaling or even physical activities like running off energy or practicing deep belly breathing.
What are some other stories or passages that we can easily tie in to the current situation that will help our children draw closer to God?