Gratitude has always been a lifeline to joy for me. I often picture it as a rope being lowered into the pit where I sit wallowing in self-pity, overwhelmed by my life, or simply discontent with what I have. The rope of gratitude is dangling there for me to grasp, and when I do it pulls me up into the fresh air where I can breathe in new life. All I have to do is be willing to take hold of it.
No matter what’s going on—and we all know that a lot is going on in 2020—it is possible to have joy. And the way to have joy is gratitude. Gratitude is a choice we make. It is not a feeling, but it definitely affects our feelings.
I can remember many times in my life when my thoughts were going in a negative direction and I consciously chose—against how I felt—to begin listing what I was grateful for. This does not come easily at first. But I make myself do it, and I would say that qualifies as an act of faith. I actually say out loud or write on paper the words, “Thank you, God, for (fill in the blank).” I usually feel better after 5-10 declarations of gratitude.
Then I do it again the next day. And the day after. It makes all the difference. Gratitude is a way of looking up and focusing on Jesus. When I do that, I see who He is instead of who I’m not. It is an act of obedience—there are many verses in the Bible telling us to be grateful—and God honors by giving me the grace I need to make it through whatever is difficult for me.
Gratitude may not change my circumstances, but it always changes me. And don’t we all need that right now? We can’t control what’s happening in our world, but we have a lot of control over what’s happening in our own hearts and in our homes. We set the tone. When we are grateful, our children will be, too. It’s a habit we can cultivate that will benefit them throughout their lives.
It takes faith for be grateful when things are really hard. But gratitude builds our faith. It gives glory to God, and it gives us an entirely new perspective on life.
No matter how impossible life seems to be right now, I encourage you to start declaring your gratitude to the Lord today. Do it aloud. Write it down. Put up a large sheet of paper in a prominent place in your home and write out gratitude statements as a family. Do it daily. It will change your life and your family dynamic. Then what seems overwhelming and unfair about 2020 will become doable and filled with grace.
Gratitude is the rope that lifts us up into God’s presence. And in His presence, there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).
By Elizabeth Griffin
Elizabeth Griffin is a senior writer at CRISTA Ministries. Her journey as a mom of a child with autism can be followed on her blog “Follow the Dots” at