Well. What a crazy year this has been. How easy it’s been to be focused on COVID, job loss, politics, riots, worries, fears. I don’t know about you, but I need a reset. An emotional, spiritual reset, where I can let go of the year that was and refocus on the truth that always was, and always will be: God loves me.
I know this in my head, but sometimes it’s like my heart forgets. And I worry. And I can feel ignored, forgotten and rejected by family, friends, work colleagues, and the wider world. It’s funny how these feelings grow when I don’t focus on God’s love for me.
But—thank God—He is faithful and patient and in so many different ways will remind me of His love. The prayers answered. The blessing of a gorgeous sunset or the perfume of a rose. Birdsong. A hug from my child. A smile from a stranger. A reminder of God’s promises from a novel or God’s word.
Last year I was invited to participate in a Regency novella collection called Joy to the World. Little did we realize just how much we would be needing extra joy at this time of year. I love the hope of this Christmas carol, the reminder that a little child was born two thousand years ago to be our hope, and that this fact is our joy now, and can be our joy for tomorrow. Even in the midst of COVID and politics and worries and fears we can remember this truth: God loves us so much He sent His only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life. (John 3.16)
This recalibrates my focus from fear to peace, from doubt to hope, and from distress to joy.
Joy. Just contemplate the word for a moment: Joy.
It’s not quite the same as happiness. I tend to think of happiness as more like the emotion, and joy like the undergirding truth. Joy links to faith and confidence. It digs down into spiritual truths. We may not feel the giddy excitement of Christmas this year, but we can approach it with joy and confidence, remembering that our God still loves us, He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13.5), He’s still working things out for our good (Romans 8.28).
I have a Christmas decoration that spells JOY hanging year round on my wall. It’s a reminder to put Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself (myself) last. It’s funny that when I get my thoughts back onto Jesus I don’t feel the same degree of fear. It’s funny how when I’m more others-focused I feel better about myself.
Maybe this is why the apostle Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5 verses 16-18 that we are to “be joyful always, pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” We rediscover joy when our focus lifts to God and what He’s done, and what He did two thousand years ago in Bethlehem.
God loves us. That’s reason for us to sing and remember ‘Joy to the World’ is a song that can be sung throughout the year.
Carolyn Miller lives in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia, with her husband and four children. Together with her husband she has pastored a church for ten years, and worked as a public high school English and Learning and Support teacher. A longtime lover of romance, Carolyn holds a BA in English Literature, and loves drawing readers into fictional worlds that show the truth of God’s grace in our lives. Her Regency novels include Joy to the World, a Regency Christmas collection, available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, etc