We are sharing a series of blogs focused specifically on praying over the new school year. For the next 10 days we will be praying over parents, teachers, administrators, support staff and students. Please share your prayer in the comments or join us on Facebook to post your prayer there!
Jesus, thank you for all that you have done for all teachers. You have continued to provide people in our community who encourage, support, and lift us up during the victorious moments and also through all of our challenging moments.
Thank you, Lord, for continuously showing us our purpose, to love all kids, regardless of any circumstance. Thank you, Lord, for always reminding us that we are worthy of your love even during times when we feel as if we do not measure up. Thank you, Lord, for giving us the opportunity to be kind, caring, and empathetic to our students and our families that come from all backgrounds.
Lord, I pray that as we step into a new school year that there is an abundance of grace. Grace for the students who will be returning after a challenging year, grace for families as they do their best to support their children, and grace for us teachers who will always continue to pour out everything we have in order to create healthy relationships, rigorous learning, and lifelong memories.
Lord, I pray that this year teachers would feel more supported than ever before. I pray that teachers would know that their community is rooting for them and cheering them on as they have been called to do a job that takes the most special people. I pray that teachers will be reminded of this through the gratitude of students and families. I pray that although families are eager and have specific expectations, that everyone will be patient and gracious towards teachers.
I pray that teachers will know they are loved and cared for, as they love and care for their students. Thank you, Lord, for the teachers of Whatcom County, and for the special and unique gifts that you have blessed them with. May you continue to bless them.
By Stephanie Garza
Stephanie is an English and AVID Teacher at Lynden High School! She gets to spend most of her time at Lynden with freshman and sophomores – they are the coolest! She loves seeing students find their passion for reading, exploring their writing skills, and ultimately being able to build lasting relationships with them! She moved to Bellingham in 2012 to pursue my teaching degree and in that journey she created many memories in beautiful Whatcom County, met her incredible husband, and landed her dream job teaching. She feels incredibly blessed!