Sometimes I wish I lived before we had the internet. Having access to so much information makes me feel like I should have the right answer for everything and always know what to do. I also know way more than I need to about random illnesses, accidents, and things that can go wrong because I tell myself I need to be informed and prepared and read all the articles that pop up on my screen.
I wonder if my 7 year old is getting enough sleep. I’ll google it. Is it really that bad to use spray sunscreen? I’d better look it up. Should I let my girls watch this movie? I wonder what other parents say about it. Am I letting them have too much screen time? I’ll spend hours researching it and find information to support all sides and make myself crazy.
Over the summer we went camping with three other families. My mom friends and I snuck away for an hour of peace in the river while the dads entertained the children. We talked about some of the challenges we’ve been having with our kids and the ages they are right now. We also agreed that it would be a lot easier if the thing that worked with one child would work with all the rest of them. And that once we figured out a good way to handle something, it wouldn’t change when they get older.
There’s a lot of pressure on us to have answers and it feels like we are constantly making decisions. Although some are much bigger and more important than others, the responsibility of it all can feel really heavy and overwhelming at times. So where do we turn for help with all of this? I tend to research things online, talk to others about it, and order books on the subject. Sometimes I actually read those books. Then I usually end up worrying/overthinking/obsessing over everything I’ve read and talked about for a while. It’s all pretty exhausting.
What I really need is wisdom. But for some reason asking the Source of all wisdom for help seems to be my last resort. At some point a light bulb comes on and I suddenly remember that I could pray about the issue I am wrestling with. God promises that we will find Him when we truly seek Him (Jeremiah 29:13) and He promises to give us the wisdom that we really need when we ask for it.
James 1:5 says, “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God—who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly—and it will be given to him.” And in John 14:26 Jesus told us that we would have the Holy Spirit with us to teach us all things. And then in the next verse He says, “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.”
Troubled and fearful – a good description of how I feel when I get caught up in trying to figure everything out on my own. But peace doesn’t come from finding the answers to my questions or from controlling the outcomes. It comes from knowing Jesus and remembering who He is.
I love the NLT version of Psalm 25:4-5 and want to make it a consistent prayer of my heart and reminder of where my hope lies. “Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. “
One thing I’m learning is that although I sometimes wish He would give me more specific direction, God will always answer our prayers to learn more about Him and see Him more clearly. And seeking Him and His wisdom is more important than making all the right decisions. He may not tell me exactly what sunscreen I should buy, but when I understand Him and His plan for me, I can stress less about all the other things.
Find out more about Meg and her contributions to allmomdoes here.