Sometimes I am in such a hurry to get to my destination that I just get sooo frustrated at sitting at those RED lights! One day long ago, I remember the Lord speaking directly to me regarding this. It was at a time when God was teaching me some important lessons on patience and being thankful. I had been waiting on something that I wanted RIGHT NOW!
One day I was driving in my car and in such a hurry to get to my destination, of course I got caught at every red light along the way!
I found that every time I would whiz through a green light I would shout “thank you Lord!” But when I would have a red light I would get so frustrated. Oh I didn’t blame God, but I certainly was not thankful for it!
On this particular day I was stopped at a red light. I kept looking at my watch and fretting about getting to where I was going on time.
Then the Lord spoke to my heart…
“Why don’t you thank me for the red lights in your life? You thank me for the Green ones, but you never thank me for the red ones.”
God was so right! As long as things were going my way and I was getting what I wanted in life, I was so very thankful. But if things were not going my way, I would grumble and have an unthankful heart.
When God speaks to me I listen. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like learning the same lessons over and over again.
So now, whether I am sitting at a red light – whether in traffic or life circumstances – I thank the Lord. Red lights are in our lives for a reason. We can’t always be on GO.
I Thes. 5:18 “Be joyful always; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”