Embedded within each of us are powerful dreams and strong desires to succeed. I like to dream a lot and am generally hopeful for big things.
I know you are too.
But I noticed I hold myself back with inactivity – or let’s call it the real word – procrastination.
It seems procrastination drags up a chair, sits down, and talks us into slacking.
Are you in the habit of putting off what you need to do now for later?
As a young person, an entrepreneur, a mom, a student, a worker or a fresh graduate – whichever shoes you are in – one limitation to living out your dreams will always be the temptation of procrastination.
Do you find yourself rescheduling items on your to-do list for practically no good reason? Truthfully, you are becoming a procrastinator.
The fact is we are solely responsible for things we don’t do now!
The earlier you get out of bed and commence our daily tasks, the closer you come to your dreams.
It is not enough for us to have dreams and great expectations; we must put our hands to the plough and work towards the manifestation of those beautiful ideas.
Diligence requires that we rise and go do!
The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat
Proverbs 13: 4
Procrastination isn’t far from being lazy, and a lazy person will not come close to being successful.
Seeth thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.
Proverbs 22:29
Okay, we aren’t going on a guilt trip. But know this:
What you choose to do with each day counts.
It decides whether I am coming close to realizing those dreams or simply marking off a date on the calendar.
How to Overcome if You are Prone to Procrastination
1. Prepare: Adequate preparation comes before action. Get yourself mentally prepared to execute what is on your plan. Excuses are the chief deterrents to taking action.
Your mind may give you countless reasons why you shouldn’t carry out those goals.
Mentally work yourself by highlighting all the merits of executing your set tasks.
Put your motivation in writing and place somewhere visible.
2. Plan: All great ideas sit in our minds until we give them a voice. Give your ideas, projects and tasks a voice. How? Take out your pen and journal and write them down clearly.
Articulate how and when you intend to carry out those goals, dreams or achievements. Set deadlines to your tasks; it gives you a sense of urgency.
Let me give an example. In order to plan, write a weekly schedule of all you need to get done. But for now, don’t be concerned by the order in which they appear.
3. Plot: I like this step a lot. You know why? Like playing chess, you strategize here.
Like the scripture says:
The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them because he knoweth not how to go to the city.
Ecclesiastes 10: 15
At this point, you have itemized your intended activities. Next is, prioritize and state how you will accomplish your said goals.
What is more important than the other?
You may have to let some unproductive or unimportant things go!
Many times the excuses for doing real work emanates from all the non-useful activities we engage in.
Now review your plan. Go over and revise your plan and take out what is unproductive on your list.
4. Perform: Get moving! This is the hardest part.
Now is the right time to act. Take steps each day towards your plans. It is hard enough writing your plans and thinking out a plot.
Don’t let all the energy get wasted in non-performance. You can handle those plans; don’t let fear get hold of you. Get doing!
5. Profit: This is the stage where I smile and stretch out on my comfy chair and sip some cold juice. (1 Timothy 5:18) In all productive work there is profit.
Reward yourself with some time off and a treat every time to tick off main goals on your itinerary.
Now it’s your turn – how has procrastination limited you? Have you learned anything? Or have you found more ways to beat it? See you in the comments section!