Are you and your kids going a bit stir crazy with all these snow days? Well, I have a craft for you. It’s easy, fun and teaches some wonderful basic skills (like cutting, sewing and painting).
Here’s what you’ll need:

PC: Ann Kirsten
- Heart doilies. I ordered these.
- Scissors.
- Needle (a wide eye needlepoint needle worked perfectly).
- Embroidery Floss, Thin Ribbon, or Baking Twine.
- Stickers, Paint, or Crayons to decorate.
- Trinkets or Candy to fill the hearts.
Let your kids loose with crayons, paint, or stickers. Have them decorate the hearts in the center of the doilies.

PC: Ann Kirsten
Put two doilies together, right sides facing out. Using a wide eye needle, thread 6 strands of embroidery floss through the eye. May I share with you the embroidery thread I inherited from my mom? Aren’t the papers they’re wrapped in gorgeous?

PC: Ann Kirsten
Starting at the top of the heart, take a stitch, leaving a tail. You’ll use this later to tie a bow or to make a loop. Weave your needle in and out using the holes in the paper doilies. Note: You may be sewing in the opposite direction, I’m left-handed.

PC: Ann Kirsten
Once you’ve sewn halfway around, fill your heart with candies, a wrapped cookie, a small toy, or cash for teens.
Finish sewing until you’ve reached your first stitch. Tie a bow or a knot at the top.
Voila! You’ve made a fun little Valentine holder.

PC: Ann Kirsten
“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony”. Colossians 3:14
Read more of Ann’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.