A few weeks ago, I got the opportunity to attend An Evening at the Well – a night of worship and inspiration put on by the team at Spirit 105.3. The talent for the evening was singer/songwriter JJ Heller and MOPS CEO Mandy Arioto. Being given the opportunity to meet JJ and Mandy by participating a bit at the event, I arrived an hour early to scope out the facility.
The second I walked into the empty church filled with chairs but not yet with people, I knew it was going to be an amazing evening. I felt inspired, motivated and full simply by envisioning the night ahead. I knew all the women attending would be from different walks of life, in different points on their motherhood journey and all looking for unique take-aways. But I also knew this evening would meet those expectations.
It did.
For those who were there, you felt it. You worshiped and listened. You laughed and maybe even cried (like me). Mandy shared stories of her motherhood journey, balancing a career with raising up kids. JJ and her husband bantered on stage between filling our souls and ears with song and told funny stories about their two young daughters. I found myself not inspired because these women possess what some may call a level of fame.
I was inspired because they were human.
The evening was a two way street. It was about the audience being entertained and getting our motherhood cups refilled. But I know that Mandy and JJ got their cups refilled as well. That evening was about every single woman there. Every single life path that led to us being there on that evening. Together.
For those of you who were not able to attend this event, I had you in my pocket. Close your eyes and breathe deep for a few seconds. Think of your own motherhood cup refilling. You might be sitting in the midst of a pile of laundry, the carpool pick up line or on a plane back from a business trip. You might be feeling isolated, defeated, not good enough. An Evening at the Well reminded me that we are all good enough. We are all in this together. Yes, you too.
I came alone to the event without an armor of friends. The women around me that evening became my community. I didn’t leave knowing them but they will forever be an inspiration to me simply because of what we shared in that night.
We can’t always have An Evening at the Well to remind us of this but moms, WE are each other’s motivation and inspiration.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Remember your strength. Let the Holy Spirit work through you to be the strength for the fellow mom community out there. Motherhood cups are hard to keep full. When yours is feeling empty, rely on the strength of others. When you have yours refilled, share that wealth.
We are all in this together. We’d love to hear from you! Comment below to share in our community!