Flustered, tired, overwhelmed– do these words ever describe you? Well, then you have come to the right place! Here in the All Mom Does community we feel these things daily.
Have you ever felt like you are less organized than other moms? Not dressed as well? Not as fun of a parent? Well, I am asking you right now to drop that. You might be thinking, “yeah, yeah – I know I should have a better attitude about all that I do well versus the things I don’t.” And while yes, that is true, here is my real reason for asking you to stop worrying about having it all together:
The less a mom appears to have it all together, the more I like her!
The simple reason is because this automatically means she can relate to my life. Forget to pick your kid up from soccer practice on time? Didn’t RSVP to the PTA banquet because you just didn’t want to?You are welcome here!
There are things I do well and there are things I will always struggle with. And I like knowing that there are moms out there with real struggles just like myself. Other moms who don’t try to even appear to have it all together!
The truth is that nobody does everything perfectly all the time. You might be thinking of a mom in your life who appears to, but I guarantee you that woman has forgotten to pack a lunch or given her kids fish crackers for dinner on occasion.
Our kids are tough critics sometimes but are also a great source of honesty and wisdom. Do you think your child cares if you wear the same yoga pants two days in a row on the weekends? Well, maybe your teenager would. But the point is that if we had it all together, we may actually be setting our kids up for failure. I believe any downfalls of my own help to make my children more resilient, open to change and more independent.
Embrace communities you are a part of so you have people to laugh things off with. I truly believe that even on the hardest days, sometimes all you need is to know you are not alone. Find a friend who can “one up” you when it comes to ways you are both not the perfect parent. A dose of reality goes a long way on this journey of parenthood.
Mom, the next time you get home past bedtime because of a long day at work or you forget that you are “snack parent” at a soccer game, just know this:
Nobody has it all together. Nobody.