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Teaching Virtue to Preschoolers
Each day in my role as Preschool Division Head at The Bear Creek School, I see parents who love their children and who are proactively working to come alongside their children's learning. I see parents who are trying to do th...

How to Love Your Child Well
Parenting with intention can be a powerful way of loving your child well. Identifying your parenting style and understanding how it might complement your child's temperament and personality is key to supporting your child thr...

A Vision For A Community Where Everyone Thrives
Squinting at my phone, I check the address again. Is this the right place? It is. Today I'll be officially introduced to Vision House and its staff, learning about their mission, their work, their passion and process, with my...

Western Washington 2024 Farmers Market Roundup
As the weather warms, it's time to start looking ahead to the fun that markets! Local food, handmade wares...there's so much to explore! We've rounded up the local markets in King, Pierce, Snohomish, Whatcom, Ska...

Feeding a Crowd This Holiday Season With a Budget-Friendly Beef Strata Recipe
Autumn has set in and the few straggling leaves clinging to the branches seem to be in a contest to see who can hold on the longest. Not only do the trees know that winter is on its way, but there is a good chance that you ar...

Planning A Dog Friendly Vacation in Seattle
Are you looking to plan a dog-friendly vacation? Look no further than Seattle. With many outdoor activities, indoor options as well as the perfect hotel for your stay, Seattle is a great destination vacation or staycation opp...

Washington Spray Parks, Splash Pads & Spraygrounds
The weather is warming up and you want to cool down! Washington has a variety of amazing spray parks, splash pads and spraygrounds across the station. We've rounded them so no matter where you are traveling this summer you c...

Healthy Holidays: Green Peppercorn Crusted Strip Beef Roast
The holiday season is here! Does that fill you with excitement or do your shoulders get tense just thinking about the big get-togethers that are coming up? It's no secret that there can be a lot of pressure on the host when i...

How Memorization Builds the Capacity for Creative Thinking
"Mrs. Gephart, want to hear me say Dromio of Ephesus's lines?" A few years ago, Caleb, who is now in Middle School, approached me with enthusiasm as he walked down the Lower School hallway while reciting the lines f...

Farmers Markets Fraser Valley (2024 Edition)
It's the season of markets! We love a good farmers' market and seeing local vendors all together in one place, selling the things they've worked so hard to grow and make. Plus, you can find things at a farmers' market you'd n...