There’s a peace that washes over me each time I read God’s Word. It’s like the tide rolling up, sweeping the shore clean, and leaving gifts in its wake. It’s reassuring and stimulating and encouraging to the core. In the pandemic, more than ever, it’s truly an anchor and a lifeline.
But if I’m honest, there are times I squeeze in my time with Jesus. It becomes a line in the budget of my schedule, when it can be a life-giving, pulsating part of my day. This is what I’ve been trying to carve out.
It’s okay to look for structure when you’re figuring out how to spend time with God. Before a house is built, there are blueprints. I’ve discovered a battle plan for making sure I’m in God’s Word daily for 15 minutes. That’s 1.042% of our day. Totally doable!
It’s called First15. Craig Denison is a husband, dad, and Christian writer who puts together 15 minutes of what I call biblical bliss. Like pearls, he strings together Scriptures and spirit-lifting words while spa-like music plays in the background. It’s not quite like getting a facial… but it will help you face your day.
Craig says he believes that if we create a space for God, He will fill it with something meaningful. Wow. I want to create a space for the Creator of the universe. God turns water into wine and the canvas of the sky into sunsets. What can He do with the time we give Him? I believe a lot!
The Word of God is like a lamp.
Psalm 119:105 says: “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”
We are moving at the speed of light in a very dark world. Yet, we have the Light of the World to shine on us! When we can’t see, God illuminates the way ahead with the hope of His promises. Opening up your bible is just like turning on a lamp in a dark room.
The Word of God is like gold and honey.
Psalm 19:8-10 says: “The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. Reverence for the Lord is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb.”
The gold part.
One of the most precious gifts I received growing up was a 14K gold butterfly necklace. I just had to put it on. God wants to give us the precious gift of His Word. We have only to open it every day. It’s gold!
The honey part.
There’s a bottle of honey on our kitchen counter that stays sticky no matter how many times I wipe it. That’s because it’s picked up and drizzled on cereal, oatmeal, bananas, all the things. Honey makes everything better. God’s Word shifts our focus from problems to the Problem Solver. It makes everything better… when we pick it up.
The Word of God is like a sword.
Hebrews 4:12 says: “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.“
When my son was a little boy, he had lightsaber battles pretty much every day with his friends. You can’t take down Storm Troopers without a lightsaber, and I believe you can’t take on the day effectively without picking up the Bible. Sure, sometimes God’s Word is like peroxide on a cut. It stings a bit when applied, but it also cleanses and heals. We’re healthier in spirit and our accounts are cleaner and shorter with God when we pick up the sword of His Word.
What will God do with the space YOU give Him? It’s 1.042% of your day! Ready? Set. Go!