Author Archives: Ann Kirsten

The Unusual Ways We Say I Love You
We teasingly called my mom "the bag lady" because she brought bags of stuff wherever she went. Her little car was always filled with bags. I called them her "in case" bags. Some held blankets in case ...
Ann Kirsten Jan 20, 2015

A few weeks ago I was watching my grandkids so their mommy could go to an appointment. We planned to meet up with her later at the local Target store. My granddaughter asked if she could c...
Ann Kirsten Jan 13, 2015

An Alternative to Resolutions
I don’t make New Year’s resolutions anymore. It’s too depressing when I look back and see how many I have broken. I’m not the most disciplined person. In fact...
Ann Kirsten Jan 06, 2015

So, Tomorrow is 2015. 2015! Seriously, did I sleep through 2014? Because, I’m pretty sure I’ve barely gotten used to writing 2014 on my checks and now the year is over (*...
Ann Kirsten Dec 30, 2014
The Gingerbread Tree
It all started with Martha Stewart (as all good stories do). Many years back, Martha had a darling small tree with gingerbread men hanging on it in her magazine. The cookies were simply de...
Ann Kirsten Dec 23, 2014

A New Kind of Christmas Card
I once naively told a funeral director that Christmas must be his quietest time of the year (I figured that even if people were gravely ill they would try and hold on through the holidays). He looked ...
Ann Kirsten Dec 16, 2014

Recently, our family was going through a hard time. One day, out of the blue, I received a mysterious manila envelope addressed to “Queen Blogger Ann”. I opened it to find a me...
Ann Kirsten Dec 09, 2014

Party Panic Is My Love Language
As we head into the Holidays, most moms start to feel their stress level rising. In spite of our best efforts, we somehow tend to get caught up in “perfect mom syndrome” and the desi...
Ann Kirsten Dec 02, 2014

Thank You For Chex Mix
As I was doing research on the first Thanksgiving, I found out that the only females left alive after those first awful years of sickness and starvation were four women and two teen girls. It is said ...
Ann Kirsten Nov 25, 2014

Ann's Be Still Challenge
We all have reasons for living our lives in fast gear. Some of our reasons are really good ones too. We may have a house full of kids, a busy work and social life, or just brains that don&...
Ann Kirsten Nov 18, 2014