Author Archives: Ann Kirsten

We're In This Together
Remember the ALS ice bucket challenge where otherwise sane people poured ice water on their heads? It became a global phenomenon. And, really why did so many people take part in the crazin...
Ann Kirsten Nov 11, 2014

By the Light of A Candle
I am sitting here in the dark with only the light of a flickering candle. The power is out again. There is no TV, no internet, and no phone.
A lot has happened in the last...
Ann Kirsten Oct 28, 2014
How We Handled Halloween In Our House As a Christian Family
When our kids were young, we struggled to figure out how to participate in Halloween. At the time, our kids went to public school during the week and Sunday school on Sunday. Depending on who you talk...
Ann Kirsten Oct 21, 2014

We Don't Have An Excuse
I always want to sing The Brady Bunch theme song when I think of my brother’s family:
“Here’s the story of a lovely lady, who was bringing up three very handso...
Ann Kirsten Oct 14, 2014

Bosom Buddies
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and pink items have begun popping up everywhere. They serve as the perfect reminder to honor the amazing people (men get breast canc...
Ann Kirsten Oct 07, 2014

My Secret Life As A Spice Girl
Fall is here! I love Fall. It is by far my favorite season. While the rest of my sun-worshipping family whines and complains about the weather change, I am doing happy dances of joy....
Ann Kirsten Sep 30, 2014

Being A Mom Is Exhausting
Let’s face it, being a mom is exhausting. Moms (and women in general) wear so many different hats, and to make matters worse, we seem to be wired to try to be perfect in each of the roles ...
Ann Kirsten Sep 16, 2014

“Lord, please … give them a friend.”
As I drive down the country roads in my town during the morning hours, I see children standing by the road waiting for their school buses. The younger ones look tiny and scared in their bulky ba...
Ann Kirsten Sep 09, 2014

Become Like Little Children
It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized that (because of many circumstances) I had missed out on a lot of the silliness and laughter of childhood. That made me sad and more than a little resent...
Ann Kirsten Sep 03, 2014

Meals That Work When You Are Tired
Lately, I've noticed a common thread when I talk to young mothers ... they are tired! Juggling jobs, housework, other commitments, plus KIDS, means that by the time dinner rolls around, they're too ti...
Ann Kirsten Aug 26, 2014