Author Archives: Ann Kirsten

Swimsuit Shopping
I just received an Email from one of my favorite stores. The tagline was: “The Swimsuit of Your Dreams”. Seriously?! The swimsuit of my DREAMS?
Ann Kirsten May 20, 2014

What did you say?!
May is National Hearing and Speech Month. I never really paid attention to this until I became personally acquainted with hearing loss myself.
It happened so gradually that I didn&rsq...
Ann Kirsten May 13, 2014

When We Have Imperfect Mothers
For many of you, Mother's Day is a special time to honor your mom. And, isn't it wonderful that we have a national day set aside to do just that? But, what about those of us who have had a difficult r...
Ann Kirsten May 07, 2014

What does Easter look like for you?
What do your holidays look like? Have you mastered the happy medium between driving-yourself-crazy and doing-absolutely-nothing? Do you have more ideas pinned on Pinterest than you could e...
Ann Kirsten Apr 16, 2014

Tomorrow Girl - My Personal Superhero
There is a super hero who visits me every night. Dressed in tights and a cape, she speaks to me as I’m drifting off to sleep. She’s full of enthusiasm and energy. H...
Ann Kirsten Apr 08, 2014

I remember the joy I felt when my second daughter was born just twenty-one months after her sister. Two girls! They would be best friends. They would play together and share interests and find great j...
Ann Kirsten Mar 25, 2014

Where is My Mother-of-the-Year Award?
I consider myself to be a diligent mom, an attentive mom, and even a paranoid mom. And, even though that may be true...stuff still goes wrong. Some years back, my daughter became ill with a respirator...
Ann Kirsten Mar 11, 2014

This Saturday I had the opportunity to attend a showing of the "Son of God" movie and write a review for you all. It was an honor to be asked and so of course I said yes. But, honestly, I don't know i...
Ann Kirsten Mar 02, 2014

Sometimes Princesses Don't Get What They Want
How was your Valentine's Day? Was it everything you dreamed? Or did you find yourself disappointed because it didn’t live up to your expectations?
I used to have visions o...
Ann Kirsten Feb 18, 2014

Scared of Love (Happy Valentine's Day!)
I love hearing how people met and fell in love. Each couple’s story is so unique. May I share mine with you?
At the time, I had no idea what was wrong with me. All I...
Ann Kirsten Feb 11, 2014