Author Archives: Jenn Schultz

Tips and Tricks For a Fun Family Getaway to Seattle
It's no secret for us moms (and dads, too) that a family "vacation" usually means very little for those with, well, littles. It typically just means more work in a different location. When our family ...
Jenn Schultz Feb 16, 2024

How To Start a New Exercise Routine
My college roommate used to take me running with her, and I would huff and puff alongside her as we made our way around our neighborhood. We still joke about the day I finally broke down and told her,...
Jenn Schultz Jan 16, 2024 GettyImages | Drazen Zigic

How To Choose a Word of the Year
Several years ago I made a shift from traditional New Year's Resolutions to a Word of the Year. For years, I'd set random goals that usually fell flat by February at the latest, and forgotten complete...
Jenn Schultz Dec 29, 2023 PC: GettyImages / Dilok Klaisataporn

Trust the Gift Giver
One of the many talents my mother-in-law had was gift-giving. While she was with us, she famously loved to spoil her children and grandchildren, paying close attention to things that caught our eyes, ...
Jenn Schultz Dec 28, 2023 PC: GettyImages / Drazen Zigic

I'm the Mean Mom
There's a battle of epic proportions going on in my household, and while it doesn't involve assembling the Avengers, it does have to do with Marvel movies. And Star Wars. Video games with age restrict...
Jenn Schultz Dec 02, 2023 GettyImages | ljubaphoto

The Pinterest Mom Takes a Holiday
About this time every year, I start getting really nervous. I'm worried that my kids are going to start raising questions about Santa's pointy-eared assistant who likes to dwell on the furniture of yo...
Jenn Schultz Nov 14, 2023

Meet the Moms: Jenn Schultz
One thing I know is that if God called you to the messy and wonderful role of motherhood, he has built you equipped to handle more than you ever thought you could: battling infertility, weeks of sleep...
Jenn Schultz Nov 09, 2023