Author Archives: Rachel Matembe

Daily Leaning on the Grace of God
I often get asked where I find the time to do it all: juggling various roles as a wife, stay-at-home Mum, homeschool teacher (with children who are at different stages in their education), making home...
Rachel Matembe May 11, 2023

Arts & Crafts Through The Bible: Handmade Flower Cards
Beautiful flowers are springing up all around us, and they are so lovely to behold. God makes the flowers to bloom in all their pretty shapes and colors and He takes care of them too. We're going to b...
Rachel Matembe May 06, 2023

Amazing Animals of the Bible, Part 1: Balaam and His Donkey
The children were so intrigued as we read the Bible story of Balaam and his donkey. They had soo many questions! The donkey could talk? Like for real? What language did it speak? Was it a cartoon or a...
Rachel Matembe Apr 27, 2023

Why You Should Nourish Your Children's Spiritual Lives
As a parent, I care a lot about what my children eat. I make sure that they are eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein and drinking lots of water. We try as much as possible not to br...
Rachel Matembe Apr 19, 2023

Let's Go RV'ing with Get-Away RV Center!
Let heaven celebrate! Let the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it roar! Let the countryside and everything in it celebrate! Then all the trees of the forest too will shout out joyfully. Ps...
Rachel Matembe Apr 13, 2023

Empty Tomb Craft: He Is Risen!
He is risen! He is risen indeed! We celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in season and out of season. Jesus was nailed to the cross for the sins of many, He died, was buried in a tomb,...
Rachel Matembe Apr 06, 2023

Gluten Free Kale Crackers
With only three ingredients, this nutrient packed snack is not only easy to make but very delicious too! These gluten free kale crackers are loaded with protein and veggies and have a beautiful natura...
Rachel Matembe Mar 29, 2023

The Gift of Prayer
We are homeschooling our children. This was a decision my husband and I prayerfully came to. We use Bible based curriculums in our homeschool, the Bible being our main textbook. One of the prayers and...
Rachel Matembe Mar 20, 2023

Fresh Fruit Popsicles
The Bible reading for this project is Galatians.5:16-25. In this passage of Scripture, Paul teaches us to live by the Spirit of God and crucify the desires of the flesh, like envy, hate, jealousy, ang...
Rachel Matembe Mar 14, 2023

The Mother, The Child, and The Pull-Up
Nothing prepared me for potty training. Not the advice I received from experienced Moms and not the marriage counselling we got as a doe-eyed young couple too excited about our wedding we barely heard...
Rachel Matembe Mar 07, 2023