Author Archives: Rachel Matembe

Celebrating Friends That Become Family
On the third Monday of February every year, British Columbians celebrate Family Day. This year, I'm especially grateful for friends that have become family. These people have celebrated with us in the...
Rachel Matembe Feb 24, 2023

Arts & Crafts Through The Bible: Parable of the Lost Sheep A parable is a short story that teaches us a lesson. Jesus loved to use parables to simplify His message and make it more relatable to His audience. Most of the time, Jesu...
Rachel Matembe Feb 22, 2023

Grandchildren Are The Crown Of The Elderly
There is a special bond between Grandparents and their Grandchildren. It runs deep and is so beautiful to behold. Pure, unfiltered joy on both parts. It is hard to measure who values the other more, t...
Rachel Matembe Feb 16, 2023

You Have Collected All My Tears In Your Bottle
I very recently went through a physically and emotionally traumatic experience. Again. As I type, the pain is still so very raw. One verse kept ringing through my head the whole time: Proverbs 24:10 I...
Rachel Matembe Feb 10, 2023

How Many Times Do I Have To Repeat Myself?
Please wash your hands after you pee. Can you please look where you are going? What do you say? How do you say that politely? Please put that where it goes. Neatly. Can you please share? These are jus...
Rachel Matembe Jan 30, 2023

Triumphing Over Temptations by God's Word
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin." Hebrews 4:15 Did you know that Jesus sympa...
Rachel Matembe Jan 28, 2023

Fill My Cup Lord
The children are back to school now and if you took time off for the holidays you are mostly likely back to work as well. And so, it begins again, in full swing. Trying to keep up with dental appointm...
Rachel Matembe Jan 16, 2023

Preparing For The New Year
With the new year just a few days away, it always helps to get into it in a proactive rather than reactive way. By taking a bit of time to prepare ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, financia...
Rachel Matembe Dec 29, 2022 Credit: iStock | Djelic S

Popcorn, Raisins and Cucumber Slices
It was just one of those mornings. I had neither the drive nor the ingredients to prepare any of my usual home cooked meals. I had been putting grocery shopping off and now we were overdue for a groce...
Rachel Matembe Dec 09, 2022

Nativity Scene Craft
As we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, here is a fun nativity scene craft for the whole family to enjoy doing together! All you need to do is draw smiley faces onto the circles then glu...
Rachel Matembe Dec 05, 2022