Author Archives: Rachel Matembe

Discover Who God Says You Really Are
When Jesus arrived in the villages of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, "What are people saying about who the Son of Man is?" They replied, "Some think He is John the Baptizer, some say Elija...
Rachel Matembe Jul 22, 2023

What Does The Bible Have to Say About Mom Guilt
Mom guilt is something I have felt multiple times, and you have probably experienced some form of it as well. I found myself asking what the Bible has to say, not just about Mom guilt, but about guilt...
Rachel Matembe Jul 12, 2023

Good Job Catching Your Mistake
"Good job catching your mistake!" Our daughter's homeschool coordinator commented during one of her quarterly home visits. As our daughter was demonstrating her growing math skills while doing long ad...
Rachel Matembe Jul 07, 2023

Courage To Look To Jesus Alone
When we look to Jesus, He is our anchor, and we are not swayed about by the cares or snares of the world. There is a tendency, because of culture, up bringing or just the way we have chosen to live ou...
Rachel Matembe Jun 29, 2023

Bible Verses I Pray Over Myself as a Mom
As my Mom like to say, "parenting is not for cowards." You need to be brave to parent because let's face it, it is kind of scary knowing that you are in charge of nurturing and moulding this little hu...
Rachel Matembe Jun 15, 2023

Father's Day Origami Shirt Cards
Malachi 4:6 "He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers." Our daughter made her dad a Father's Day card way in advance. On Mother's Day t...
Rachel Matembe Jun 14, 2023

Women and the Gospel of Jesus
Let's talk about some women in the Bible. Most times when studying women in the Bible, we tend to put our focus mainly on the most famous ones like Mary the mother of Jesus, Elizabeth her cousin, or m...
Rachel Matembe Jun 01, 2023

Amazing Animals of the Bible, Part 2: Jonah and the Big Fish
Welcome back to our Bible Study series for the family; Amazing Animals of the Bible. Last time we read about Balaam's talking donkey in Numbers.22:21-38. There are so many interesting animals mentione...
Rachel Matembe May 23, 2023

Finding God's Peace in the Storm
How could I ever survive a day of this life without my faithful Father literally carrying me through? I often wonder how people that do not know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior do it. This is ...
Rachel Matembe May 17, 2023

An Ode to Moms - Whatever Way You Got Here, You Are Invaluable
Proverbs 1:8-9: "Never forget your mother's instructions. For their insight will bring you success, adorning you with grace-filled thoughts and giving you reins to guide your decisions." There is a be...
Rachel Matembe May 14, 2023