Author Archives: Stephanie O'Farrell

I Got Your Back!
Moms, today - I've got your back! We are focusing on back strength. There are just so many benefits to having a strong back.
Stephanie O'Farrell Feb 25, 2015

Loving Each Other Through Pregnancy
When I was pregnant with my first, I was often worn down by the amount of opinions and stories that people felt the need to share. It was an exciting time in my life yet I was bombarded at times with ...
Stephanie O'Farrell Feb 12, 2015

Let's Put Down Our Stones
Think about the last time you judged someone. Maybe it was during your morning commute and the person in front of you wasn’t driving quite up to your standards. Perhaps it was at the gym and you...
Stephanie O'Farrell Feb 04, 2015

Don’t Drink Your Calories or Eat Scones: Dieting Tips I Can’t Follow
As I was in line at the Starbucks drive-thru the other morning, I told myself, “grande drip with non fat milk.” What I ended up ordering was a grande cinnamon dolce latte and a blueberry s...
Stephanie O'Farrell Jan 28, 2015

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes: Stretch something today!
I promised that I would bring a focus to fitness in 2015. The last couple of weeks, we’ve worked the lower body, upper body, and we’ve also gotten our heart rate quickly up with things lik...
Stephanie O'Farrell Jan 21, 2015

Get Toned Using a Dish Towel!
Last week I shared with you some tips for a lower body workout. This week, let’s add some focus to our upper body. Motivate yourself by thinking ahead to summer and how rewarding it will be to s...
Stephanie O'Farrell Jan 14, 2015

I'll Workout Tomorrow
After a busy day of working, chasing kids around or whatever else my day had in store, often the last thing I feel like doing is finding energy to workout. Here are some of my "best" excuses when it c...
Stephanie O'Farrell Jan 07, 2015

Seriously Good Recipes for New Years Celebrations
Anyone else in search of some amazing, easy recipes for a New Year's Eve celebration. I've got you covered. Seriously, I'm known for these recipes.
1) Bean Dip
Ingredients: 8 ou...
Stephanie O'Farrell Dec 29, 2014

The Story of Christmas Is For Everyone
Today is Christmas! One of my favorite things is hearing what traditions others have on this holiday. We always ate Chinese food on Christmas Eve and I never even thought that it was odd at all. ...
Stephanie O'Farrell Dec 24, 2014

Love Thy Neighbor: Part 2
Last month, I wrote about defining who our neighbors are and the fact that I knew nothing about mine despite living in my house for so long. So, the past three weeks, I have made it a point to change ...
Stephanie O'Farrell Dec 17, 2014