Author Archives: Stephanie O'Farrell

Local Christmas Fun
Christmas is 21 sleeps away! One of my favorite things about this time of year is the fun activities to do as a family. Bundle up and take part in these happenings that really do bring to life the mag...
Stephanie O'Farrell Dec 03, 2014

Love Thy Neighbor
I have lived in the same house since 2009. Taking my two small kids trick or treating this year around our cul-de-sac, a neighbor asked if we had just moved in. I guess in five years I hadn’t ha...
Stephanie O'Farrell Nov 26, 2014

Stephanie's Be Still Challenge
My days are filled with noise. Kids, co-workers, phone notifications, my own noises as I type email after email after email. Have you ever thought about just how noise filled your day is? Th...
Stephanie O'Farrell Nov 19, 2014

Three Moves to Keep Fit
Was anyone else excited to see that Starbucks now has their holiday cups and holiday drinks like eggnog and peppermint mocha? It also makes me realize all the extra holiday temptations that are just a...
Stephanie O'Farrell Nov 12, 2014

The Imbalancing Act
Often in the middle of a particularly hectic week, I’ll take a moment to think about what my life would be like if I didn’t have a full time career. I fantasize about a weekday that isn&rs...
Stephanie O'Farrell Nov 05, 2014

The Easiest Craft/Treat You Will Ever Make
I’m still coming to the reality that summer is wrapping my head around Halloween has been challenging. My kids are 1 and 4 which means I have one kid that will dress as whatever I put ...
Stephanie O'Farrell Oct 29, 2014

Mommy, Can You Hold My Booger?
Stay at home mom, working mom, or somewhere in between, we can all agree that motherhood is full of challenge, patience, frustration, love…and a whole lot of humor. If we don’t laugh then...
Stephanie O'Farrell Oct 15, 2014

Morning Glory Muffins
Do you have time to make and eat a well-balanced breakfast every morning before rushing off to school drop off and that morning meeting you have to present at? Neither do I! Every time I swing through...
Stephanie O'Farrell Oct 08, 2014

Hello Football, Goodbye Husband
My husband and I started dating a few months before the infamous Super Bowl of 2006. I’ll never forget that day I don’t remember details of the game to be honest or even what commercials p...
Stephanie O'Farrell Oct 01, 2014

I Keep Praying Anyway
How often have you prayed to make the green light at the intersection, for a meeting to end early or for those vanity pounds to just fall off? I do this daily. But even though I would categorize it as...
Stephanie O'Farrell Sep 24, 2014