Author Archives: Stephanie O'Farrell

A Working Mom Dilemma
I walked through the door on Monday feeling good about getting a workout in after work. “How are the kids?” I asked my husband. He responded, “Well, Mason threw up four times.”...
Stephanie O'Farrell Sep 10, 2014

God Couldn’t Be Everywhere So He Created Grandparents
Sunday, September 7 is Grandparents Day. Yes, that’s tomorrow! While it’s too late to get a card off in the mail, it’s not too late to send a text, email or (gasp!) even pick up the ...
Stephanie O'Farrell Sep 05, 2014

The Pain We Wear Inside
I was 17 when my parents divorced. It was a long time coming really due to my dad's addictions to work, alcohol and probably other things my mom covered up. My mom overcompensated so that my older bro...
Stephanie O'Farrell Aug 20, 2014

Sunday Night Blues
This scenario may sound familiar- It’s Sunday evening at 8pm. After a busy weekend, you finally get your kid(s) down to bed and you make your way downstairs for some much needed relaxation. Once...
Stephanie O'Farrell Aug 13, 2014

Momficient = Mom + Efficient
When my son was born in 2010, I recall often thinking, 'what did I keep busy with before I became a mom?' Happy hours, pedicures and daily workouts perhaps? I never recall feeling like I had a lot of ...
Stephanie O'Farrell Jul 16, 2014

July 4th Fun for the Non-Crafty Mom
The fourth of July is coming up. A welcomed day off from work to celebrate our American Independence. I look forward to staying up later than usual tonight and sleeping in tomorrow. My kids are almost...
Stephanie O'Farrell Jul 02, 2014

Yesterday I wore 'The Pants'
Yesterday I wore “the pants” to work. You know the ones. They fit but only if by 'fit' you mean they button and don’t bust at the seam while pulling them on. Each time I sit down I g...
Stephanie O'Farrell Jun 25, 2014

Parenting Is Not a Competition...But Am I Winning?
My son didn’t walk until he was 14 months old. I recall looking at the parenting app on my phone and receiving emails from Baby Center about “your child’s milestones” and reali...
Stephanie O'Farrell Jun 18, 2014

What Your Husband Really Wants for Fathers Day
Fathers Day is in 3 days. Have you made reservations at his favorite restaurant and ensured the kids' craft projects are properly drying in a secret place so as not to spoil the surprise? Neither have...
Stephanie O'Farrell Jun 11, 2014

50 Days Until Summer
The sun is shining and our desire to get fit and healthy increases. Cleanses and fad diets have never been my “thing”. It always seems like a great idea until day one comes and I decide th...
Stephanie O'Farrell Apr 30, 2014