“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, which the angel had told them.” (Luke 2:19-20)
As a mom, I often dream of creating the perfect Christmas experience for my family. I want to create those moments they will always remember when reflecting back on their childhood. It’s those moments when we are gathered together in the kitchen putting together Ginger Bread Houses or the smell of the sugar cookies baking in the oven. It’s the fun we have rolling out the ginger bread dough and creating the perfect gingerbread cookie shapes. It’s watching our favorite Christmas movie beside the fireplace with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg hanging in the air. It’s the search for fun stocking stuffers for my teens. It’s also opening each drawer of our advent calendar and reading the scripture text inside it.
In the midst of these moments, our family is drawn back to the standing manger scene beside our tree which reads, “Jesus Is the Gift”. As my eyes look at each person represented, I realize Mary never dreamed she would be giving birth to Jesus in a stable in Bethlehem. From Nazareth to Bethlehem was a ninety-mile journey. As they camped along the road, I know Mary was dreaming of a bed in Bethlehem. Can you imagine being at the end of your pregnancy and sleeping on the ground? She was probably hopeful she would make it back home to her family before giving birth, so she would have her family there to support her through her first childbirth. Imagine her surprise after traveling for four to six days and walking from inn to inn looking for a bed and being told there are no vacancies in the whole town! With each, “no,” Mary’s heart must have deflated. Can you imagine the thoughts going through Mary’s mind as Joseph shared with her the only place left in the whole town was a stable? In that moment, all of Mary’s dreams of sleeping on a comfortable bed were dashed.
Just when Mary was experiencing the “Bethlehem Blues,” something incredible happened! Jesus was born! She may have been in a stable with a hint of something other than cinnamon and nutmeg, but here in her arms was the fulfillment of all the angel Gabriel had promised her! (Luke 1:26-28). It was Jesus the “Son of the Most High God.” At that moment, God was sending a birth announcement to shepherds abiding in a field nearby. Imagine Mary’s surprise when shepherds burst into her stable sharing all they had experienced? God reminded Mary He was with her. In just a short time her focus had shifted from the inadequacies of her sleeping arrangements to the JOY of Jesus!
This Christmas season when you are tempted to get the “Bethlehem Blues” reframe your focus and step into the real reason for this season, Jesus!
Katrina Dorroh lives in North Carolina with her husband, Robert and two teens: Caleb and Kaitlyn. Katrina has a Master’s of Divinity Degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and has been in ministry for over 25 years. She is a writer, minister, speaker, wife and mom. Katrina is the Founder of Faith and Family Box. A monthly subscription box which comes alongside families and resources them to have fun-faith-filled nights once a month.