When my kids were tiny, I coined the term “two-minute shower” because I learned to literally soap up and rinse off in two minutes flat most mornings. Why? Because that’s as far as I could get before my toddler popped her head in to ask a question or my baby boy started crying.
When I became a mom I learned to do everything quickly and efficiently and put the needs of others before my own. We eat last, drink last, sit last, and go to bed last. Our breakfasts remain untouched on the counter; our hot drinks sit in the microwave, reheated five times but never finished.
Somehow we learn to absorb everyone else’s needs, schedules, and activities—always scooching over to make room for one more thing. We make sacrifices. We make it work. We make do.
But unfortunately, that often spills into our spiritual lives. We learn to make do with less and less of Jesus. Somehow, our most important, most life-giving relationship gets pushed aside. We get tricked into thinking it’s something we can do without. And before long, our joy meter starts running low.
Less of Jesus equals less joy. And at Christmas, the season that’s supposed to be all about Jesus—and all about joy and peace—we often spend even less time with Jesus and more time feeling rushed and frazzled.
But what if Christmas was different this year? What if our time with Jesus was the centerpiece of each day? What if we moved our personal devotions to the top of our to-do lists?
In Revelation 3:20, Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Jesus is waiting to be asked in; all we have to do is open the door. When we do—when we open up our hearts and our schedules to Jesus—He promises to come in and dine with us!
The picture of having dinner with Jesus sounds amazing, doesn’t it? I want to eat and drink deeply of all He has for me. I want a feast for the soul. I don’t want a quick bite; I want the full-course meal. And I know you do, too.
This December, let’s make a plan to feast with Jesus every day. Pick a time and a cozy corner where you can meet with Him. Set out your Bible, a notebook and pen, a hot drink, a warm blanket, and maybe even some fuzzy slippers. If you’re an early riser or a night owl, light a candle or switch on the Christmas lights. Open your Bible, bow your head, and open the doors of your heart. Invite Jesus in and ask Him to revive your heart and restore your soul.
Let’s make snuggling up with Jesus into a really big deal this Christmas. And let’s get filled up until we’re brimming over with JOY.
Rachel Dodge is the author of The Anne of Green Gables Devotional: A Chapter-By-Chapter Companion for Kindred Spirits and Praying with Jane: 31 Days Through the Prayers of Jane Austen. Rachel teaches college English; speaks at libraries, literary groups, and teas; and writes for Jane Austen’s World. A true kindred spirit at heart, she loves books, bonnets, and ballgowns. You can visit her at RachelDodge.com or on Instagram @kindredspiritbooks.