I am on my second cold of the cold and flu season and we are not even to November. When I started feeling a sore throat coming on less than a month after I had gotten over being sick, I told myself there is just no way I could get sick again. But that is exactly what happened.
Being sick makes me cranky for so many reasons. The plain fact that I feel crummy, not being as productive, missing work, feeling like I am letting my family down. There are a million things that moms struggle with when getting sick. It is nearly impossible to put ourselves first which is probably how I ended up in my situation of two colds so close to one another.
As I lay here throwing myself a small pity party and praying that I get well soon, I also decided to revisit my favorite cold remedies. I would basically try anything at this point and I am reminded that some of them have definitely worked for me in the past.
Here at AllMomDoes, we are no strangers to cold and flu season unfortunately. But we do have quite a list of recommendations to help beat or at least lessen the down time once those germs do get a hold of you.

GettyImages | Sonja Rachbauer
If you are finding yourself off to a rough start health wise this season, we are praying for you as part of our AMD community. Check out some of our favorite remedies.
Gargle with warm/hot salt water (best for adults and not kids) – This mix helps kill germs and bacteria in the mouth and throat.
Apple Cider Vinegar Drink this with some honey and lemon or mix it in some juice for the kiddos. You can do this daily as a boost! It has great acid-reducing and virus-fighting properties.
Emergen-C My husband likes to mix this in orange juice for a little extra boost. It’s yummy too!
Throat Coat Tea This might sound weird but I actually pour Emergen-C into a hot cup of throat coat tea. A co-worker turned me onto it years ago and I love the combination of the warmth along with the extra vitamins.
Wellness Juice Shot I make a batch of these each week and take them daily. While it clearly has not worked to completely avoid getting sick, I am confident it is helping to lessen the length of time I am sick.
Elderberry Syrup This stuff is pretty delicious. You can buy this at any vitamin store or even at a Target or Fred Meyer. Elderberry is a great immunity booster and your kids will like this stuff too!
Ginger Lemon Honey ‘Goo’ –Sliced lemons and fresh ginger layered in a mason jar. You cover with honey and let sit a few hours. I add bits of hot water at a time and sip on it. This is loaded with vitamin c, antibacterial from the ginger and throat coat with the honey. It is yummy too!
Olive Leaf Extract I am not sure what this does exactly but it has worked for me in the past. I take a couple of capsules and chug water.
Electrolytes Add electrolytes throughout your day. A lack of them depletes your body of minerals.
Homemade chicken soup Boil chicken (with bones) and add garlic, parsley, etc. If you’re too sick to do that, buy a good quality bone broth and add lots of garlic to it, and whatever else sounds good to you. Sip on the broth throughout the day.
Guess what should also be common practice, mom? REST AND WATER!
I know, but it has to be said. How many times do we let ourselves get burned out? Lots.
Rest up. Drink water. Feel better soon!
12 Remedies to Beat Cold Season
Super Simple Easy Wellness Juice Shot Recipe
Managing Sick Kids as a Working Mom
Read more of Stephanie’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.