Abba Father,
I come to you today and present my purpose to you. I release the hold of having to perform or live up to the expectations others have on me. What you have called me to is a yoke that is easy and its burden light (Matt 11:30) when you are at the center of it.
In the places where I feel less than worthy, would you fill me with your love? Would you help me to not live as an orphan but as a daughter of the King? God I believe that you have called me to ________________________ (Enter what you believe God has called you to. It could be your mothering or perhaps a vocation. Feel free to add more than one calling if you have many. Use the prayer guide download provided below as a tool to flesh this out even more)
I ask boldly that you would open the doors needed to step into this calling and purpose. I surrender my doubt and longing to you. Give me the courage to step over this threshold of doubt and into the next season of dynamic purpose. While I am a mom, I am not only a mom. I am a woman of purpose, and I ask you to release the purposes of my life and calling now! In the name of Jesus, I stand before the throne of God and partner with Jesus in asking prayer.
God, would you release your power and provision to me on this day?
Download a free Praying For Your Elephant prayer guide
Find out more about Adam’s new book ‘Praying for Your Elephant: Approaching Jesus with Audacious and Radical Prayer’