Last night as my husband and I lay in bed thinking of the day’s events, he confessed to me that he was a little mad at God. I can’t tell you how many times in my life I have been mad at God, however these days I am humbled by His great mercy to save us from things we don’t really understand and sometimes will not even know until we get to heaven.
Yesterday was a day I don’t ever want to relive. Full of tears and sorrow, grief and pain, but also a peace that God knows all things and is in every detail of our lives.
We live in a fallen world with broken people and broken lives; even nature yearns for the return of the Lord. We can forget this when our lives are turned upside down. We want somebody to blame, somebody to fix things, somebody to hear our heart’s cry and when the people or situations around us don’t change…we turn to God and blame Him.
After all, God allowed this thing to happen. We prayed and prayed and nothing happened. Maybe our worst nightmares have come true.
I know this, for I have shaken my fist at God many, many times in my life… Why Lord?! Why?!
Through loss and grief of loved ones due to diseases that belong to this world, marriage problems I thought would never be resolved, children making wrong choices and breaking hearts…I’ve pretty much been there.
Please don’t be mad at God.
God has given free will to people to choose His way or the worlds way…sometimes He intervenes and sometimes he doesn’t. He brings us to a place where we will either choose to trust Him or turn our backs and become bitter.
We cannot see the whole story, but God can and we have to trust Him for that. Have you ever heard of the “Woodcutter’s Story”? It is beautiful. The author is unknown but I first ran into this story through a Max Lucado book long ago. I can’t even remember which one…but I encourage you to hop over and read this little parable. It’s not too long and could possibly help change your life and your perspective on your problems today.
Your story doesn’t end today.
Let us know if we can pray for you if you are having a difficult time. We would be honored.