I know that some moms fall into a funk in September. The overcast days combined with crazy kid schedules can make even the most seasoned mom feel overwhelmed.
There are numerous articles on how to organize your family to make September and back-to-school easier, but have you noticed that those “helpful” lists require a LOT of energy output from mom? What if mom is already so exhausted and overwhelmed that she doesn’t have anything more to give?
I have a whole new kind of September list. This Fall List is meant to bring you comfort and peace, not add more to your to-do list. Even if the Autumn season is not your favorite, I think you’ll find things here that will add joy to your life. And, who knows? Maybe you will grow to find a few reasons to love September.

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- Enjoy a small sundae with “Fall” toppings: caramel, cinnamon, apples, etc.
- Buy yourself a new lipstick in a deep autumn color.
- Do some back-to-school shopping for YOU! New undies, socks and bras aren’t just for kids.
- Have your hubby grill dinner, sides too, so you don’t have to cook. Eat outside.
- After the kids are in bed, head outside and look up. Whether you’re seeing stars or clouds, let the peace of the Lord fill your heart.
- Buy a pot of mums and put it out where you can enjoy the blooms (no digging required!).
- Pop some microwave popcorn and watch a corny rom-com under a fuzzy blanket.
- Rain got you down? Buy yourself some funky rain boots (mine are green and have dogs on them).
- Stomp a few puddles.Get a fun umbrella while you’re at it. Next time it rains, make a point of going out in it. Focus on the sound of raindrops hitting your umbrella.

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- Check out a cozy Fall mystery book from the library. Sip cider while you read.
- Try a Fall coffee drink you’ve never had before. Shut your eyes when you take the first sip.
- Take an Autumn “saunter” and see how many colors of leaves you can find.
- Buy yourself a Fall candle, pumpkin spice, clove, or apple. Light it often.

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- Simmer some cinnamon, cloves and allspice in water or cider. Take in the spicy scents.
- Bake an apple pie (from the freezer section). Add ice cream and enjoy.
Whatever you choose to do, try to take in the sights and smells of Autumn. Fill your senses with the beauty that God has put in place for you to enjoy even in the darkest months.
He looks at you the same way. When you’re not at your best, he still sees beauty.
You are gorgeous!
This translation of Psalm 126:5-6 fits perfectly:
Read more of Ann’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.