It’s easy to fall into the bunny and chick version of Easter. The stores are full of adorable spring animals to use as decorations or to fill Easter baskets. It can be hard to find anything that matches our belief system during this Holy time.
With a little ingenuity, even generic Easter products can be used to instill deeper faith lessons in our kids.
One such item? Pastel M&M’s!
Grab a bag of your favorite M&M’s, and let’s get started.

Photo: Ann Kirsten
Have your kids turn the candies so that the “M” turns into an “E”.

Photo: Ann Kirsten
Say, “E is for Easter, the day we celebrate that Christ is risen”.
Then, turn the candy back to M’s.

Photo: Ann Kirsten
Say, “M is for the Mercy that Jesus has selflessly given and the Miracles he performed.”
Turn the candies again until they form a “3”.
Say, “3 is for the 3rd day when Christ rose from the tomb.”

Photo: Ann Kirsten
Turn the candies to form a “W”.

Photo: Ann Kirsten
Say, “W, because he is the only Way to overcome sin and because we Worship him.”
For older kids, look up scriptures that talk about the real reason for Easter. There are so many to choose from. 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, Luke 23:32-24:12, or Mark 16:5-7 are just a few.

PC: Ann Kirsten
A bag of M&M’s can easily turn into a fun worship lesson. What other items can be used for a Bible study? Visit the Easter aisle at your favorite store with your kids and see how many things they can find that remind them of the real reason we celebrate Easter (a stuffed lamb for the Lamb of God, etc.).
Happy Easter!
Read more of Ann’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.