Fall is right around the corner and I, for one, am thrilled. I did enjoy the beautiful summer we just had, but I mostly enjoyed it from indoors. I am just not a hot weather person, and I never will be. I used to try and hide that fact from the rest of the world. I felt like I was defective somehow because summer was my least favorite season. I have since found that I am not alone. Even my granddaughter has announced that Fall is her favorite season (I’m quite proud).
My love for Fall began when I was a child. The changing colors of the leaves felt so magical to me. I thought fairies touched each leaf with their magic wands and turned them into bright colors.
I now know that the truth is a little different:
In spring and summer, the leaves on a tree manufacture the food necessary for the tree’s growth. That process happens in the cells that contain chlorophyll (which gives the leaves their green color). Chlorophyll absorbs energy from the sunlight and uses it to transform carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates (even trees love carbs!).
Most of the year the leaves’ other colors are drowned out by the chlorophyll, but in the Fall (with less sunlight) the chlorophyll starts to break down. This allows the other colors to shine through.
That may not be as exciting as fairies flying around and zapping trees, but God still manages to thrill me with His own form of “magic”. Look at this leaf I found:

PC: Ann Kirsten
No fairy could replicate that beauty!
If you aren’t as excited as I am for Fall, try one of these activities. I promise, you will be amazed at the wonder and splendor that God surrounds you with each year.
- Take a foraging walk and gather some of Autumn’s bounty. You’ll be surprised at how much beauty there is to find!

PC: Ann Kirsten
- Make a bouquet with your finds.

PC: Ann Kirsten
- Embroider on some leaves. This is great for older kids. A cross-stitch needle doesn’t have a sharp tip and works perfectly. Use the leaves in a bouquet or press them in a book.

PC: Ann Kirsten
- Visit a pumpkin farm and bring lots of them home. Uncarved, they last a long time (through Thanksgiving usually).

PC: Ann Kirsten
- Paint on Fall leaves. My grandkids had fun doing this. We just used acrylic craft paint.

PC: Ann Kirsten
- Bake a Fall treat. Maybe something you wouldn’t make at any other time of year. You’ll find this yummy pear cake recipe here: Pear Almond Cake | AllMomDoes

PC: Ann Kirsten
The leaves are just beginning to turn, so it is the perfect time to plan some Fall activities and crafts. It is so easy to see God in autumn. The world just bursts with surprises.
“The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.”
Psalm 85:12:
Read more of Ann’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.