The stores are sold out, your kiddo broke their sled on the first run of the day, or your Amazon delivery got rescheduled due to bad weather. Whatever the reason, you need a sled…stat. There are a few things you probably have around your house to use in a pinch as a sled alternative. Plus we’ve got some fun tips on how to make them screamin’ fast.
1. Piece of cardboard. It’s not gonna be a long-term option, but it will hold up for a few runs. Plus, if it’s below freezing it will hold up longer because the snow won’t be melting and it won’t get water-logged.
2. Lid to a storage bin. Some people use the bin itself or a laundry basket, but the high sides make it a bit of an injury risk and increase the chance of breakage. Just use the lid.
3. Cafeteria tray. We did this on the regular in college, and I can personally attest to the speed of a cafeteria tray on fresh snow. However, it needs to be a flat tray (not one with separate compartments) to function well.
4. Heavy-duty garbage bags. Those big black garbage bags you’ve got in your garage for leaves and yard waste will hold up well. I just don’t make any promises about your bum.
5. Air mattress. Blow it up and head on out!
6. Pool float or inner tube. It probably won’t stay intact enough to use this summer, but you can get a whole lot of fun out of it now.
7. Cookie sheet. I’m partial to the rimmed cookie sheets because they’re flat on the bottom. You probably can’t fit an adult’s tushie on there, but it will fit your kid’s perfectly.
You can also increase the speed of your sled (or sled alternative) by treating the bottom with ski wax, car wax, Pledge, or cooking spray. Happy sledding!
- Piece of cardboard INSIDE a garbage bag
- Garbage can lid
- Garment bag – stick your legs inside, zip it up, and head down the hill
Have you ever had to use a sled alternative? What did you use, and how did it work?