Stopping and paying attention to what our kids are REALLY saying is vital. As parents, during these difficult times of uncertainty, we need to be in touch with how they are doing. The Behind the Badge Foundation and therapist Rebecca Grondel offer some wisdom on how to ask questions that invite our kids to share what is on their hearts.
This blog is sponsored by Behind the Badge Foundation
The first step is to understand how we are feeling. We have to take emotional inventory of ourselves. Remember if we are feeling certain ways, our kids are absolutely feeling that way too. Take the time to take care of yourself. This is absolutely important. It’s for your mental health as well as your child’s.
Inviting Conversation
There are a few important things to note when you are getting ready to have a conversation with a young adult or teen.
- It is more important to listen than to talk.
- You must be available when your child is available and not the other way around. Be prepared to stop what you are doing and show up during these moments.
Intentional effort to show up for your children will create a sense of safety and open up the desire for them to be more open with you in sharing how they are feeling and doing.
Here are a few questions you can use to get the conversation started. Remember, they may not always be willing to talk right away, but these conversations will show them that you are open and ready to talk when they are.
Questions to Get The Conversation Started
- It seems like you’re a little said….what’s up?
- It seems like you are worried about something….you want to talk?
- How are you feeling about what’s going on?
- How are you feeling about mom and dad working so much?
- How are you feeling about the news?
- How are you feeling about what you are seeing on social media?
- You know that I love you and am here for you….
- How’s life? Is there anything stressing you out?
- Whatever you’re feeling, you know you can talk to us, even if it is different than how we feel.
As parents we have an incredible opportunity to help our children walk through their feelings and emotions and grapple with them in healthy and safe ways. Take the time today to ensure you are taking the time to talk to your child. It will build a lasting relationship for years to go.
The purpose of the Behind the Badge Foundation is to honor law enforcement officers who have died or suffered serious injury in the line of duty. They serve as a trusted resource, providing immediate and ongoing support to families, agencies and communities in times of critical need. They also maintain the Washington State Law Enforcement Memorial, commemorating the lives and dedication of officers who have died in service to the state of Washington. You can donate today by visiting the Behind the Badge Foundation website.