I’ve always been an all-or-nothing girl.
I either eat all of the Oreos or none of the Oreos. There is no moderation. No eating “just one.” Which is fine for awhile, but eventually I get tired of eating none of the Oreos so I fall off the wagon HARD and then eat all of the Oreos. And things tend to spiral from there. Which is why a lot of the popular healthy eating advice like “don’t deprive yourself” and “allow room for treats” or “everything in moderation” has never worked for me.
I have been compensated by Squeezed.com to sample and review their juice cleanse, but I am sharing my true and honest experience. Make sure to tell them Spirit 105.3 radio/Kristina sent you!
So when I had the chance to try a Squeezed.com juice cleanse, my all-or-nothing mentality went straight for a full 7-day regimen. {Don’t worry. You don’t have to do it that way. Lots of people try a 1-day at first to make sure they’ll like the juices, or opt for a middle-of-the-road 3-day for their first cleanse.} I found it far easier than I expected and met my goals by the end of the week. I broke cravings, bad food habits, re-set my palate, re-set my hunger cues, re-established healthy portion sizes, and even lost pounds and inches! Read more details about my one-week experience here.
But then it was back to real life, and I wondered if I’d fall back off the wagon quickly. Because out here there are Oreos and peanut butter cups and all those other things.
The real test came a few days ago. I had a really frustrating day. One of those days that, as a mom, you give yourself permission to skip real food for dinner and enjoy a couple glasses of wine and an embarrassing number of peanut butter cups instead. And I’m not gonna lie – I thought about it. But instead, I went to the fridge, scrounged up some fresh zucchini and leftover fondue cheese, and found myself thoroughly enjoying my veggie-based meal. I was satisfied for real, not just in the begrudging way that you pretend to be after making a healthy food choice. And as someone who has never been one to love veggies in any form, I realized in that moment a huge shift had occurred.
Then the next day, my daughter offered me a peanut butter cup from her Valentine stash. I tried to decline, but she was so sincere about wanting to share. So I took it, but wondered…would this be it? Would this one lead to seven? But it didn’t. I had one. It was amazing. But…I didn’t want another.
One was finally enough.
Food is life. Food is fuel. Food is also meant to be enjoyed. I feel like I’m finally in a place where moderation is possible – and it’s all thanks to the seven-day re-set I did through Squeezed.com. I’ve had other unexpected benefits – the adult acne I’ve struggled with has improved, annoying health issues have cleared up, and, of course, continued weight loss. But it’s because I’m treating my body far better after using the Squeezed.com juice cleanse as an initial jump-start and ongoing tool to a healthy lifestyle that’s possible to maintain long-term.
I’ve always been skeptical of the whole “cleanse” thing but Squeezed.com was a DEFINITE mental/behavioral cleanse. If you struggle with your relationship with food, give Squeezed.com a try. You deserve to break bad habits and feel better. They even have same-day delivery if you order by 1pm. You can jump on today’s motivation and start tomorrow. And make sure you tell them Spirit 105.3 radio/Kristina sent you!