I can always tell how deeply I feel about a subject by how often I’ve written about it. Apparently, I feel quite strongly about January and the beginning of a new year.
- Beat the January Blues
- January Moms
- Top Ten Tuesday: Beating the January Blues
- Leaning Into Peace for 2024
My thoughts on January might seem a bit controversial to some, but I stand by them.
When I was younger New Year’s resolutions were a big thing. Everyone seemed to have one, and they were the topic of conversation, “What’s your resolution?” “Mine is …”
It took years for me to realize that resolutions are a major cause of stress, guilt, and exhaustion.
I don’t remember when I stopped making them, but it was such a relief. People would ask me what mine was and when I’d tell them that I didn’t make one they were dumbfounded, “You mean we don’t have to make one?!”
No, you do not.
I think we all put so much stress on ourselves on a daily basis already. It’s common to not feel worthy of God’s love and grace. I mean, come on! Who IS? So, we often stress ourselves out by trying to better ourselves. Who needs the EXTRA stress in January? “ For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10
Besides, after a month of stress about Holiday menus, decorations, and gift-buying, it’s hard to form a cohesive sentence much less move right into trying to better ourselves in January. My daughter calls it “Christmas Brain” and moms are the most susceptible to getting it.
January is the perfect time to heal from this disorder. I feel strongly that we need to take the month to pamper ourselves in little (and big) ways.
So, I went online to find some January inspiration and the first articles that appeared made me want to crawl back into bed:
- Your January Must-do List
- The Bucket List for January
- Ten Items to do at the New Year
- Reset Your Life in One Month
And then there were ads for planners, storage totes and cleaning supplies!
Yikes! Instead, take a quick peek at the above blogs and find some easy ideas to find some peace in January.
And I add some more ideas here:
- Buy a new devotional, one with artwork in it, and feel the peace enter your tired bones as you read. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
- Order some Bible stickers and new highlighters to make reading the word bright and fun.
- Buy a fun sweater with something weird on the front and wear it every time you do errands. Ugly sweaters are not just for Christmas!
- Walk outside (even in the rain), shut your eyes and feel God’s presence.
“In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.” Psalms 95:4-5 - Play music that heals your soul.
- Work on a puzzle that’s fun to put together (no wide expanses of blue skies!).
- Buy a new pair of fuzzy socks and do a few slides on the kitchen floor.
- Most of all, do what makes YOU happy. You’ve earned this time, mom, make sure you celebrate.
“Above all else, guard your heart
for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23.
Read more of Ann’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.