My husband and I went to Chelan last September for a week with our one and four year old kids. I was excited about the trip months in advance. I recall in June thinking how confident I was going to feel in my swimsuit because I had time to obtain my goals of losing some weight and toning up. But then all of a sudden it was August and I had done nothing to change my body. I told myself that I still had six weeks and that I would just work well under pressure and go on some sort of diet until September. I am guessing you know how this story ends; September rolled around and I found myself in the same shape I was in back in June. I had done nothing to change because it honestly just felt too hard. I didn’t know how to get started. I was way too busy (and full of excuses) to change my lifestyle. The trip was still amazing but I was irritated with myself for not once and for all getting the last of my baby weight off. Does this sound familiar? Perhaps something you have struggled with?
So, here we are in April. Summer is right around the corner. Just say YES and join me in finally feeling confident in a pair of shorts or, dare I say, a swimsuit. We have time on our side; don’t wait until June to then wish you had started back in April. I am excited to share with you the challenge I am about to take-on and I want you to get on board too!
I am starting the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. Have you heard of this? A few of my friends take this challenge and 100% of them have not only been successful with their goals but they have also said they would absolutely do it again.
There are no crazy rules like only eating cabbage for a week. Advocare is not about being thin, it’s about being fit and healthy. One of my passions is fitness and working out. This means I need energy! I cannot survive off a program that doesn’t fuel my body. The 24 Day Challenge includes supplements and a nutrition program to jumpstart your body to REACH YOUR GOALS.
I have found an Advocare Coach to help guide me through the program, answer questions and keep me motivated. Support is such a huge part of success so I am already feeling confident knowing she will be there each step of the way. Hoping she doesn’t have to physically come to my house and pry a grilled cheese away from me at 10pm, but I cannot make any promises. But since this program includes regular eating (of real food! Yes, real food!), I feel pretty sure that I won’t be feeling completely desperate and tempted to make wrong food decisions. Contact my coach Angela for a free consultation 206-390-6960.
Are you feeling like you are finally ready to take the plunge to find a healthier and fitter YOU? Then join me! You can get the exact plan I am doing with the AllMomDoes Bundle at
I am going to share my prep work (food prep, taking my measurements etc!) and I want YOU to be a part of it! Don’t let June arrive and leave you wishing you had done this for yourself back in April!
Let’s get these results together and help to motivate each other through our AllMomDoes community! Since Advocare is about properly fueling our bodies, we can share recipes, tips, challenges and winning moments.
I would love the support!