This post is sponsored by World Concern.
It’s fun to fill up the piggy bank when you’re a kid. Back in the day, my kids’ coins would eventually be traded for dreamed-about toys like WebKinz and Rescue Heroes. But one time, during their elementary school years, Hannah and Josh reached into their piggy banks to give their money away to children across the globe.
They heard me talking about World Concern’s 44 cent Cure on the radio. For just 44 pennies, kids who were living with parasites in their bellies could take a miracle pill and be totally cured. To them, the investment made perfect sense. If memory serves, each of my kiddos gave 20 dollars to the cause… which translated to about 45 kids CURED! Forever.
I called and joyfully gave my credit card over the phone, and they handed me the cash when I got home. We all felt good. And that’s the secret… giving FEELS good. It was a secret my kids learned on their own, which is the very best way to learn something.
I grew a little wiser too as their mama. Little pitchers have big ears… and big hearts too.
If you are looking for an easy way to help your children learn the value of giving this Christmas, visit It’s beautiful watching our kids learn to care for those around them. Start this Christmas and the lessons will last a lifetime!
4 Ways We Teach Our Children to Give
How These First Grade Teachers Tie Giving Into Their School Year