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To The Mom at the Splash Park: Thank YouThe Sin FluEaster Scavenger Hunt Riddles for Older KidsChocolate Peanut Butter Protein BallsEaster Resurrection RollsRushing Into SpringSpring Cleaning on Spring Break: Ten TipsLow-Cost Family Activity Ideas for a No School Day (Even Last Minute!)I Started Lent Late. Again.Fast and Easy Snack WrapsDIY Resurrection Garden for EasterRolex Recipe, A Delicious & Popular Ugandan Street FoodCelebrating Our Ugandan Heritage at the Museum of Surrey in British ColumbiaMindset Matters: Raising Resilient KidsKeeping Siblings Occupied at Sports EventsEasy High Protein Lunch: Pizza in a Bowl + Video TutorialWhat Am I Focusing on During Melancholy Seasons?Basking in God's Glorious Creation on an Early Sunday MorningWilderness Seasons with God and the Practice of LentChocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
The right word spoken at the right time is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl. Proverbs 25:11 It was over 7 years ago; our first child was two years old and our second was about two months old. I had the brave idea ...
Easter is on its way! Egg hunts are usually part of the fun for younger kids, but what about your older kids who would still appreciate a fun activity to look forward to? An Easter scavenger hunt is the perfect solution! It c...
I love Reese's peanut butter cups. I especially love the Easter egg ones sold this time of year. They pack a lot of sugar and calories so while I do still treat myself to them, I like having other sweet options on hand too th...

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Easter is my granddaughter’s favorite holiday. She looks forward to all the traditions that have marked the holiday for her so far. She loves hunting for eggs at her Aunt Tee’s house and then coming to Nana ...
It happens every year. We get a few sunny days and I immediately go into a full-blown case of spring fever. I run outside to embrace the new season and am met with the brown, mushy remains of last year's garden. I am determin...
While part of me is grasping at straws to convince myself I would rather be at home in the great state of Washington than a beach on Hawaii, one thing I am honestly looking forward to is Spring Cleaning. I know the end of the...

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Every time I get the notification, my heart starts to beat a little faster: no school. Oh no. I tend to forget to check the school calendar, so days off take me by surprise, like a recent teacher's workday. Honestly, without ...
Today we'll talk about the top five priorities we have as parents, and discuss how each is an opportunity to raise our children up in the way they should go.
Matthew 14:13-21 tells the well-known story of the five loaves and the two fish: "But Jesus said, "They need not go away; you give them something to eat." They said to him, "We have only five loaves here a...
I grew up Catholic. I attended Catholic school from kindergarten all the way through high school. I literally held the title "religious representative" for my small school's ASB in 7th and 8th grade. I was the cross...
Luke 24:6 - He is not here; he has risen! I hadn't heard of a Resurrection Garden until I saw one online a few years ago. I've wanted to make one since then and I'm so glad I finally did. It is such a beautiful way to focus o...
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allmomdoes12 minutes ago
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Our words have power, so speak life and encouragement. Let somebody know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Encourage every mom you see in the trenches. The days may be long, but the years are short. Read more: https://www.allmomdoes.com/blog/to-the-mom-at-the-splash-park-thank-you/
allmomdoesMar 25, 2025
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Egg hunts, bunnies, and candy may not be the reason we celebrate Easter, but it's still nice to have something for everyone to do - especially when you have a big age range of children. We have everything you need to create family fun this Easter here: allmomdoes.com/blog/easter-scavenger-hunt-riddles-for-older-kids
allmomdoesMar 25, 2025
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Philippians 4:8b - Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. . . #verse #dailyverse #hope #bibleverse #bible #biblequotes
allmomdoesMar 24, 2025
Katie Blackburn was in the midst of raising toddlers and babies when she realized something was different about her second child. When she received his autism diagnosis, life as she knew it changed. Today, she talks about the reality of raising her son, the challenges to family life, and the beauty of experiencing life through a different perspective with AllMomDoes host Julie Lyles Carr. Listen:
allmomdoes7 hours ago
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Psalm 33:20 -We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. . . #verse #dailyverse #hope #bibleverse #bible #biblequotes
allmomdoesMar 26, 2025
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Galatians 5:5 - But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to receive by faith the righteousness God has promised to us. . . #verse #dailyverse #hope #bibleverse #bible #biblequotes
allmomdoesMar 25, 2025
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Buying plain seeds has grown expensive over the years and the seed tape is now out of my price range. Solution: MAKE YOUR OWN! With a few household items, you can create your own! Here's how: allmomdoes.com/blog/making-your-own-seed-tape
allmomdoesMar 26, 2025
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There were a few moments in my misery that I wondered, "Why me?" But I have learned to find the wisdom, and even the beauty, in the learning that comes from the valleys. Read more: https://www.allmomdoes.com/blog/the-sin-flu/
allmomdoesMar 26, 2025
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Righteous Acts for Show or for God? (Read Matthew 6:1-18) Reflection on the passage: Teenagers are great at calling out hypocrisy as they see it. It might be parents absorbed on their phones after scolding their kids for being on screens too long or telling their teens to use "I statements" to express their anger, while themselves making blaming statements in an angry tone. I know I've been caught in some of these "gotcha" moments. However, the kind of hypocrisy that Jesus is calling out in this section of the Sermon on the Mount is when we do spiritual acts with the motive of looking good in others' eyes rather than out of our love for God. The three spiritual practices that Jesus discusses here are 1) giving to those in need, 2) prayer, and 3) fasting. All of these were an important part of Jewish spirituality and righteous living, but some, especially the religious leaders, were practicing these in a showy way. For example, they would loudly announce their giving to others (6:2), pray long prayers up front in the synagogue or on the streets to be heard by others (6:5), or make it obvious that they were fasting by looking somber or unkempt (6:16-17). In each of these examples, Jesus says that they have already received their reward - the approval of others - and so they should not look for a reward from God (6:2,5,16). Jesus doesn't only give negative examples. He affirms the importance of giving, prayer, and fasting by telling us how to practice them. We are to give without telling others about it (6:3-4). Our primary place to pray should be in the private - simply us before God (6:6). And we don't need to be "wordy" in our prayers because God already knows what we need (6:7-8). Jesus even gives us a wonderful model of how to pray - the Lord's Prayer (6:9-13). Finally, when we fast, we shouldn't make it obvious but just go about our day in a normal way (6:17-18). When we do these things for God, rather than to impress others, we will be rewarded by our Father (6:4,6,18). It's not that Jesus wants our faith to be lived out only in private - in fact, in the previous chapter He tells us that we are to be salt and light in the world. But He is asking us to look at why we do spiritual things. It is easy to fall into performance, especially when surrounded by a Christian community. We know what will look good to others, but Jesus wants our hearts. Focus verses for prayerful reflection: "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them." (Matthew 6:1, NIV) Take some time in prayer with this verse. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any area of your spiritual life where you may be seeking the approval of others more than seeking to love God. Invite His work within you in this area. Photo: Leo Chane