I have lived in the same house since 2009. Taking my two small kids trick or treating this year around our cul-de-sac, a neighbor asked if we had just moved in. I guess in five years I hadn’t had time to meet someone who lived on the same street as me?! That following Sunday at church, our message was on The Art of Neighboring. Ever have those moments when you are like, ok God, I get it! That’s what happened to me.
“What is written in the Law?” He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ “
“You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” (Mark 10: 26-29)
So, who are our neighbors? Let’s start with the basics. Think about your house/condo/apartment/wherever it is that you live. Can you name those who live next to and across from you? Can you name something about them? And no, “drives a Honda” is not something about them. I failed this. I know the names of a few neighbors but honestly I know nothing real about more than two of them. Here is what I am doing- I am taking the month of December to ensure my neighbors know me. I am doing this by leaving a holiday card and home made goodie for each of my surrounding neighbors. I promise to report back on this.
Who else are our neighbors? On this Thanksgiving Day, I’d like you all to take this away with you, if nothing more: There are people all around us already…if we simply have eyes to see them and ways to connect with them. This was part of a message I heard at church and it really stuck with me. We can and should be a neighbor to anyone! Look around you…what neighbors will you love today?
We’d love to hear back from you on this! Let’s make this a season of Loving Thy Neighbor! Those who live near you AND those who you simply see at a grocery store. We’d love to hear your stories!