One thing I know is that if God called you to the messy and wonderful role of motherhood, he has built you equipped to handle more than you ever thought you could: battling infertility, weeks of sleep deprivation, mystery symptoms and illnesses, grief and loss, stitches and broken fingers and casts, temper tantrums (your kids’ or your own), your child disappearing for thirty minutes, cross-country moves, a pandemic. Ask me how I know
I’m Jenn, and I’m a wife, mom to three, author, Bible deep-diver, and word lover. I grew up knowing God, but still feel like I’m only beginning to understand who he is and the compassion and grace he extends to us.
I’m classically right-brained – creative, messy, spontaneous, book-loving and math-loathing–while my husband is my perfect opposite. The two of us and two of our kids are east coasters, but we moved to Washington just before the pandemic hit, and our third arrived not long after.
One of my favorite verses Hebrews 10:14: “For by one sacrifice he made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” As a recovering perfectionist and approval-seeker, I love that God has already taken charge of the hard work of making us who we are meant to be in him. And I appreciate that he welcomes us as we are–imperfect and fearfully and wonderfully made.
You can usually find me sipping a decaf oat milk latte, going for a run (this is new, but I think it’s going to stick!), reading a book, typing a note on my phone or computer to come back to later, or watching a movie. I like to say I speak in scriptures and movie quotes.
My first book came out in 2023: She’s Not Your Enemy, on tackling our insecurities so we can become who God calls us to be and cheer each other on along the way. I love to write empowering women to find their God-given identities and callings and to know him better.