My origin story is set in warm, picturesque Uganda. If you’re thinking sunny tropical weather, delicious fresh foods, stunning waterfalls, gorgeous lush landscapes, magnificent wildlife and friendly people; you got that right!
I was raised in a loving and fun home. Our parents were both Church Priests who led my brother, sister and I to love Jesus Christ by what they taught and more importantly how they lived their lives.
This God-fearing Ugandan girl moved to British Columbia, Canada for love. How my husband and I met is a God orchestrated love story for another day. And yes, it’s absolutely romantic. Maybe it will come up in more detail as we get to know each other better.
Three days after our wedding ceremony in Uganda, we were on a plane to Vancouver and I was relocating to join my husband who lived and worked in Canada, excited to start this new chapter of our lives together. As a family.
Fast forward three years later, we are expecting our first child and I’m filling out maternity leave forms at work. And then 24 months after that, our second born is due and we have prayerfully decided that I will be a Stay At Home Mum. One of the best decisions we ever made for our family. Hubby and I are so grateful that God made it possible for me to stay at home with our children. I get to hang out with them all day at home, at the park or wherever the day’s adventure takes us. Training them up in the way that they should go; to love and follow Jesus. It has not been without sacrifice however. Budgets had to be tightened up and shopping sprees forfeited as our priorities got realigned.
Our children have inspired me to break out of my comfort zone many times and I’m the better for it. Our first taught me how to drive stick shift, not literally of course but out of necessity. Our children also inspired me to write a Bible based ABC picture book with multicultural characters called ABC Jesus Loves Me because I needed them to see children that looked just like them in the books they read. Children who loved and served Jesus too. This birthed a Bible based activity book for toddlers, a coloring book and Children’s Bible Devotional.
Most recently, I’ve added Homeschool Teacher to my list of achievements that have been inspired by our children. You are probably thinking I’m one of those people who were homeschooled and always dreamt of Homeschooling my children. Ha! I’d never even heard about it till a couple of years ago, let alone put it on my list of dreams and aspirations. And yet now, as I teach our children, or to put it more accurately as we learn together, exploring God’s marvelous creation through the lens of the Bible, as we grow together in knowledge, wonder and delight, I know that as a family, we’re exactly where we’re meant to be, doing exactly what God intended for us to do by His grace.
Isn’t it amazing how God doesn’t always show us the full picture even though He already knows the end from the beginning? If God had told the career driven 25-year-old working at a job she absolutely loved that she was going to be a Stay at Home Mum and Homeschool Teacher she might have run for the hills! God in His infinite wisdom, leads us step by step, guiding each turn, using every experience whether good or bad, giving us just enough insight and foresight to bring us where we need to be at exactly the right time we need to be there.
I thank Jesus for leading me to AllMomDoes at such a time as this. I trust His timing and I’m blessed to be able to share my life and family adventures with you.