A co-worker asked me what my weekend plans were going to entail. “Oh not much”, I replied.
I was lying.
My weekend was going to be jammed pack with laundry, kids soccer practice, a kids birthday party, attempting to get my house in order, church…the list goes on. I understand catching up on laundry and watching youth soccer isn’t the most glamorous or exciting thing. So, instead of boring people with what I actually have going on, I typically choose to give a brief response. Unless I am talking to another parent of young kids. In those cases, I share my list because I know they are right in the trenches with me and may actually be interested in just how behind on laundry I actually am.
My name is Stephanie and I am a busy mom. Just like you.
I have a son who loves reading, Star Wars and watching you tube videos of people playing Nintendo. I also have a daughter who loves socializing, having her nails painted and being pushed on the swings for hours on end (or so if feels some days).
My kids make me laugh every day. They also make me want to repeatedly bang my head on the wall. My favorite moments are when they are playing together like perfect little children. But I know within minutes there will be tears, yelling, blaming and a mom who is about to lose her cool.
My husband and I have been married for over ten years and together for over 13 years. I can honestly say I love him more now than I did on our wedding day (and I loved him a lot then!). We have grown together in our marriage and as parents. But then there are days where I am feeling stressed and I start an argument over loading the dishwasher a certain way or why I forbid him to wash towels together with clothes. There are days I forget he cannot read my mind.
My husband and I both work full time. In my possibly biased opinion, there is no harder job than being a full-time working mom with growing kids. The constant balance that we have to attempt to gain every single day is exhausting.
I love working out.
If I don’t get in at least three heart-pumping sweat sessions a week, I am not going to be fun to be around. It is my stress reliever, my energizer and a way for me to feel good about myself. You will not find me lost on the gym floor trying to figure out how to work a machine. I am all about community in life and this includes the gym which is why group fitness classes are my jam.
I love food and wine. It makes me grateful I can balance it with a love of working out.
I love me time. Whether it’s a manicure or just some quiet time for me to organize my closet, I try to not feel guilty for taking time for myself.
I love Jesus, my family and my friends.
My kids attend a Christian school which I believe is helping to shape them with Jesus being at the center of all they do. I love that their education doesn’t have to shy away from Jesus. It’s also shaping them to be good people which the world could use more of. My family is incredibly important to me and I am lucky to live within 30 minutes of my mom and my brother. I have a group of best friends who I met at church about eight years ago when I became a parent. I don’t know what I would have done without these women in my life to support, guide, laugh and cry with over the years. They also love wine so even when we don’t know the answers, we know we have wine.
My hope is that AllMomDoes is a place for moms to find community. To find hope, laughter, tricks and tips. We don’t know it all but who wants to be surrounded by a bunch of know-it-alls anyhow? Here at AllMomDoes, we are real moms. We do care about weekends full of laundry and sporting events. We got you.
I am so happy to be a part of this journey. With all of you.