Stay at home mom, working mom, or somewhere in between, we can all agree that motherhood is full of challenge, patience, frustration, love…and a whole lot of humor. If we don’t laugh then we could very well go crazy from the things our children do and say.
Here are some of my “favorite” glamorous mom moments.
The diaper blowout…in public
This is guaranteed to happen. You won’t know when or where. But it will likely be when you are not prepared. With my youngest, it happened at the mall and I conveniently had a diaper bag full of all the essentials…minus diapers.
Mommy, come wipe my bottom!
This may happen in public or at home when you have a lot of company. My 4 year old has his favorites when it comes to who he prefers to perform this special job. If grandma is around, she usually gets summoned. To add to the adorableness/embarrassment of this, he often asks us to hold his hands while he is going potty.
Walking around with an unidentifiable ‘something’ on your shirt
Is it milk? Drool? Toothpaste? On days I drop the kids off at daycare, I am sure to take a scan of my shirt before walking into the office. And, don’t get me started on what moms find under their fingernails!
Excuse me, why are you doing that? (said to a stranger in a public place)
My son takes it upon himself to be in everyone’s business. At the zoo the other day, there was a lady in a leopard print dress. My son walks up to her and says “Excuse me, do you think you are a Jaguar?” Mortified, I smiled and apologized. But honestly, it was kind of hilarious.
Mommy, do you remember when you (fill in your moment here)
If you are a daycare provider or teacher I know you hear all sorts of hilarious things from kids about their parents. I love it when I get “called out” by my son and he announces something like, “Mommy, do you remember when you didn’t feed me dinner last night?” I always follow those with an immediate response in order to correct him (and save some dignity!). “Mason, that’s because you wanted breakfast for dinner last night silly.” <insert awkward laugh>
These moments make motherhood fun, don’t they? What are some of your most glamorous mom moments?! We’d love to hear them!