The later into the week it gets, the earlier in the day I hear the sound.
Monday it doesn’t happen until about noon. By Wednesday, I hear it by 11 and by Friday it could happen first thing in the morning.
That sound.
The sound of the office candy rustling in the glass jar as my coworkers take a scoop.
It seems so silly and trivial, but in those moments, I am tempted. By Friday, I almost always give in.
Honestly, sometimes I give in Mondays at noon.
I think things like, “one scoop and then I will take the longer route to the bathroom every time today. That will burn it off.” But I know the truth. The day will get busy and I will not take a long route anywhere by foot. I do work out regularly but we know that as we get older, our metabolisms are simply not what they used to be. Those candy jar visits add up in a way they never used to when I was in my twenties.
But it is not my fault.
I blame my co-workers for my bad habits.
The candy jar is not an isolated example. “Hey Stephanie, wanna go to Tully’s?” I get this question almost daily, and the answer is way too often affirmative. The building I work in has a Tully’s on the first floor. Convenient, yes. But also too easy for me to make poor choices for not only my waist line but also my checking account.
Still, I blame my coworkers.
Going out to lunch is a rarity in my office due to severe parking challenges. Once you park for the day, it’s not likely you are trekking back to your car for anything let alone moving your car knowing you would have to once again pray to find an open spot upon your return. However, this does not stop my co-workers from ordering food to be delivered or inviting me to the cafeteria.
Most days, I do not have the strength to stick with my homemade lunch when I am offered the “opportunity” to purchase something costing me money and calories.
My co-workers are the ones to blame.
Or at least, they are the ones I want to blame.
The obvious truth is that I enjoy the candy jar, trips to Tully’s and eating something other than my healthy packed lunch. Yes, it brings calories and spending which I do think I need to watch a bit better. But it also brings relationship-building and a much-needed break from my computer that I spent way too many hours at on some days.
The other truth is that while I want to blame my co-workers for these bad habits, I am so grateful to have a team that connects with each other. A team that has things like a shared candy jar we each contribute to and keep track of who likes what. The walks to Tully’s where we laugh about a presentation we think we just botched or something funny that happened in a meeting. I guess I can “blame” my co-workers for all of those moments as well.
Do you have a workplace where you are influenced by things like a daily coffee run? Tell us about it!