Things had to pivot quickly this year, but Northwest University has risen to the challenge. We firmly believe that a high-quality educational experience for our students remains a vital priority for their lives. So, we’re taking every necessary step to continue providing that education in this unique Christian learning community that we all love so much. With on-campus precautions and an innovative hybrid model, Northwest University has demonstrated its commitment to both education AND safety. No one can predict the future, but every student and parent should know that we are following all of the best practices recommended by public health authorities to make sure students remain as healthy at Northwest University as they would be anywhere else. Students, if God has called you to attend Northwest University, you can count on us to do everything in our power to facilitate your success. Learn more here!
Almost anyone can benefit from an annual planner: moms to keep track of the family schedule, entrepreneurs to block out time for tasks and complex projects, high school and college students to keep tabs on their classes and assignments, homeschooling moms who need to plan out curriculum, and even middle schoolers to help them learn life skills and become more independent and self-sufficient. But as you’re perusing planner options, consider this: written planners are scientifically better than phone-based calendars or planner apps. So as you look ahead to 2021 and all the things you hope to accomplish after this year that your dreams have been on hold, here are a few planners to consider:
This post is sponsored by Northwest University.
Marine Keyboard Planner from Smitten on Paper: I personally use this type of planner for both work and personal tasks. It sits above your desktop keyboard, giving you an easy week-at-a-glance so you always know what’s going on.
Amazing Grace 12-Month Planner with Zipper from Christianbook: This budget-friendly calendar has year-at-a-glance, month-at-a-glance, and weekly views, along with encouraging scriptures and a beautiful leather zippered case.
Faith Planner from Etsy: This is your all-in-one planner with calendars, weekly views, scripture analysis and Bible study note pages, and a prayer journal.
Watercolor Homeschool Mom Planner from Purpletrail: Need to get a better handle on your homeschool plan? This calendar is fully customizable; you can choose the start and end month, and there’s plenty of space in the weekly pages for your lesson plans and school tasks.
Daydream Believer Bloom Vision Planner & Calendar from Walmart: Set goals and cast a vision for 2021, design your perfect week, and even track your monthly expenses with this planner that includes 20+ life coach pages.
Weekly Hope Planner from hopefuel: This weekly planner offers plenty of room for your work and personal tasks, along with a devotional habit tracker, weekly prayer focus reminders, and prompts to reach out to others.
The Ultimate Homeschool Planner from The Rainbow Resource: This spiral-bound undated 52-week planning system allows you to set goals and plan lessons for up to six students. It’s got encouraging scriptures throughout and even has teaching tips as it was designed by a seasoned homeschool mama.
2020 has taught us that we need to hold our plans loosely, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to stay organized amidst the unknown. A planner can increase productivity while decreasing overwhelm; putting plans and tasks on paper instead of holding it all in our heads frees up emotional space for all the other things we’re dealing with. Here’s wishing you a GREAT 2021!