I love a good burn from a good workout. I also love waking up the next day and feeling those results on my muscles. Call me crazy but I enjoy having some minor soreness which tells me I did the workout right. I recently did these three moves for a lower body burn and woke up feeling the results in such a great way that I had to share with you.
Some of you, like Blogger Kristina will think I am loony but either way, this workout is effective!
The moves:
1) Lateral Lunges (alternating sides) Start with feet shoulder width apart
Take a big step out to the right and shift your body weight over your right leg
Bend the right leg squatting to a 90 degree angle at the right knee
Hips back, butt down, chest up as much as possible
Push off and bring your right leg back to starting position
Repeat right side then the same on the left
Recommend holding weights in each hand or a medicine ball at your chest (or whatever you have available
Aim for 3 sets of 10 one each leg but work to your own current level
2) Squats (Single and with pulse)
Start with feet about hips distant apart
Bend your knees until knees are right over toes (not over toes)
Hips back Butt down
Chest lifted up
Take the movement up and down squeezing your butt on the way up
Also try pulse movements down and up at the bottom of the squat (when knees are bent)
Recommend holding a weight or a medicine ball at your chest (or whatever you have available
Aim for sets of 20 (however many you can do) with pulsing in-between
3) Lunges
Start in a standing position and take a big step back with one leg
Bend both knees so your front leg is parallel to the floor and your back knee is towards the floor (but not touching the floor)
Square your hips forward
Chest lifted up
Alternate one leg then the other
Challenge to hold a weight and extend it forward with arms straight every time you bend your knees
Aim for sets of 10 on each leg (however many sets you can do)
If you wake up not feeling slightly sore, add more reps next time!
Enjoy the burn!
AllMomDoes may provide information related to exercise, fitness, diet and nutrition and is intended for your personal use and informational purposes only. You should consult with a physician before beginning any exercise, fitness, diet or nutrition routine, especially if you are pregnant or have a pre-existing health condition. Nothing contained on AllMomDoes should be considered as medical advice or diagnosis. The use of AllMomDoes is solely at your own risk.