As summer winds down and autumn approaches, many of my plants have gone to seed. Weird, brown pods of all shapes and sizes have replaced my bright flowers. I suppose some people are a bit sad when this happens, but not me. I love Fall and I am enthralled by the seed-making process.

PC: Ann Kirsten
This year especially, my garden is full of odd-shaped pods. Even in their dry, brown shells, I find them beautiful.

PC: Ann Kirsten
My daughter carefully gathers her seeds. She dries them, packages and labels them, and stores them until the Spring. I admire that. I, on the other hand, just fling the new seeds with wild abandon. That probably explains why my gardens are always chaotic. I never know what will pop up when the warm weather returns.

PC: Ann Kirsten
Even if you don’t have a garden, a quick nature walk will provide plenty of seeds for you and your kids to admire. This is the perfect time to learn more about seeds too. Here are some fun books to buy or check out from your local library.
• From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons
• The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
• How a Seed Grows by Helene J. Jordan
• The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds by Joanna Cole
• One Bean by Anne Rockwell
• Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! By Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
• Let’s Go Nuts: Seeds We Eat by April Pulley Sayre
• A Seed is Sleepy by Dianna Aston
• Fruit Is A Suitcase For Seeds by Jean Richards
• Miss Maple’s Seeds by Barbara Cooney
Also, open your Bible. Seeds are mentioned at least 337 times in the Bible. In the Hebrew language, the word seed (zera) doesn’t just describe a part of a plant. Instead, “zera” describes anything that produces new life.
A quick search will provide you with plenty of scripture verses that talk about seeds. Perhaps the most recognizable is Luke 8:5-15. These verses provide a wonderful and easy way to talk about the seeds of faith.
For more seed projects:
- Check out Maria’s Sunflower Seed Craft!
- Make these delicious Sesame Cookies!
Read more of Ann’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.