If you take a walk right now, you can see leaves of all shapes and sizes and every color of the rainbow. That’s one of the reasons I love Autumn. I’m attracted to color, and there is nothing like the sun hitting a tree that has its Fall “clothes” on.
I also love being cozy in my little house, reading a book with a few candles lit. The lack of light is the main reason many people dislike Fall. Autumn and Winter can be problematic for those who need a lot of light to thrive.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5
In the Bible, light has always been a symbol of holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, grace, and hope (light is mentioned over 300 times in the scriptures). By contrast, darkness has been associated with evil, sin, and despair. It’s no wonder that we crave light!
I follow a gal on Instagram who lives in an area of Sweden that has really long, dark winters. Instead of moaning about it, she has filled her home with light. There are lamps in every corner, candles lit, and strings of lights around the windows. She hardly notices the darkness outside. She has taught me a lot about changing a bad situation into a lovely blessing.
This craft is a step in that direction.
Let’s make a Fall Leaf Lantern together!
Step One: Take a walk around your yard (or a park) and gather some leaves in interesting shapes and colors.

Pic: Ann Kirsten
Do this the day before you plan to make your lantern. Then, tuck your leaves into a heavy book and press them overnight.
Step Two: Get your supplies ready. You’ll need:

Pic: Ann Kirsten
- Glass vase or jar (mine was 1.99 at a thrift shop)
- White tissue paper
- Mod Podge
- A foam brush
- Your gathered leaves
Step Three: Cut or tear pieces of the white tissue paper. Make sure you have enough to do two layers on your vase (your fingers will be too sticky later).

Pic: Ann Kirsten
Step Four: Sponge Mod Podge on the glass, spreading tissue on top as you go. Make sure you overlap the tissue so the whole vase or jar is covered. I extended mine over the top and bottom (I’ll cut the ends later).
Step Five: While your Mod Podge is still wet, press your leaves in whatever pattern you desire.

Pic: Ann Kirsten
Step Six: Carefully brush your Mod Podge on top of the leaves and put down another layer of tissue.

Pic: Ann Kirsten
Step Six: Let it dry. I put mine on top of a roll of washi tape to dry so it wouldn’t stick to the wax paper I put on my table.

Pic: Ann Kirsten
Step Seven: After it’s dry, trim off any overhang (I used an emery board to file the ends off). Place a battery powered candle inside (or a real one if you don’t have small children) and watch how your room lights up!

Pic: Ann Kirsten
“You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.” Psalms 18:28
Fun Activity: Take a deep dive into all the scriptures that mention light!
Read more of Ann’s contributions to AllMomDoes here.